Redemption has its ways!

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(Increase the parental guidance😂)

It has been so many days now nd her husband was not only giving her cold shoulder..he has perfected this saying to its extreme .He never came home late or did anything rash to show his anger. He always arrived on time, did all those household chores which were part of his daily duties as decided by them it grocery shopping, monthly bills or any repairs etc.The only difference was tht the house has gone dead silent except d voices of television or electronic appliances or other various voices of any household .There were no sounds of two people chatting or laughing or even fighting with each other as her husband has stopped talking to her completely.He didnt even replied to her normal conversations.He slept in guest room nd made his own food .She was non existent for him.There have been quite a number of horrible fights between them during d years of their marriage but this one topped d charts in all respects. He was in no mood to even listen to her any explanation.

The words of those days were now framed in her mind for ever and more she thought about all tht happened on tht horrendous day nd during the number of months before tht..more she went deep into d shame of her  own guilt.His words have finally came as a tight slap to her ..waking her up from all d ill assumptions she has fabricated in her mind. Today , when she reflected all her accusations in a new light ..all his words made her feel ashamed about her bad judgements.He did tried for months to better everything between them but then..she was too lost in her own clouds of stupidities.

Just thinking about all this brought a fresh bout of tears to her eyes.Tears were her constant companion these days.Her days at ofc were real mess.She was just pushing herself thru everything.She was too ashamed to discuss all this with any of her frnds . She knew now tht no one can help her in this..its her only who has to find a way back to his heart.

It was saturday morning, She was sitting in d lounge lost in her thoughts.She has pinned a list of "things to be bought" on fridge last night nd  knew tht being a super darling husband he is..he has decided to get done with d task first thing in d morning.Thts how they communicated these days..thru notes nd lists..ofcourse she included sorry notes in such papers but he being d rude ass these days (in addition to being a darling husband..)  crumbled such notes to dirt in his angry fist right in front of her eyes.

She didnt expected him to return till lunch. So she was sitting there .. deciding her next move to win back her hubby's love..she has tried everything hasnt she? Making his fav food which he didnt ate, getting dressed in his fav dresses which he didnt acknowledge, continously chatting with him even when he walked out of d room not even registering her existence..she has lost d counts of sorrys she has said..nd the number of times she has literally cried in front of him pleading him to talk to her..

When ur tears start appearing fake nd dramatic to your man...CAN THERE BE A FEELING  WORSE THAN THIS?
Why was he being so cruel with her?
Why cant he just forgive her?

Nd then suddenly a crazy idea crossed her mind nd she decided tht weekend was d best time to try it out as he was going to be at home all weekend. She knew tht how much angry he may be..he would never plan any outing without her. She stood up in excitement, picked up her handbag nd went shopping for her awesome plan.

As expected, he returned around lunchtime, used his keys to open d door ,placed all d shopping bags on dining table nd just turned towards their open kitchen to fetch a water bottle from fridge nd he was stunned to his place by her.There in d kitchen she was standing something but hello!!! Where were d clothes?

She was wearing some kindaa super sexy lingerie which was almost non existent nd she was listening to some song on her mobile in loud volumes nd swaying her hips all so provocatively.Hell!! He was suddenly so so hungry..but this hunger was not for food..he was hungry for her..his eyes were devouring her from head to toe nd he so wanted to eat her there nd then on d kitchen counter itself.

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