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here you go, the smutty ending i promised. i didn't proofread though... my umpah umpah excitment is winning me over. 

jaebum's on a mission. the past five months with seulgi have been a dream. he's been doing his best to be the best boyfriend he can be, to the point where he's surprised she's not sick of him yet. they're going out for lunch, but first, he has to scare her new students.

she's still doing her job as an art history teaching assistant, and she's also still really hot, so jaebum's heard that her new students are developing crushes. he just wants to be an asshole, and make sure that it's clear that seulgi's accounted for. 

her class has just ended, but she's still talking to her students, telling them about office hours and how the email listed is for class related emails only. he smirks, and leans against the open door frame, an empty lollipop stick in his mouth. he's adorned in a black leather jacket, and a backwards snapback, eyes narrowed as he watches his lady work. she glances over at him for the briefest second, before dismissing her class. her students begin packing up their things and then they notice jaebum. seulgi motions for him to come over, and he does, slinking his way over with a look in his eye that has a few of the kids paling in fear. he tries not to laugh because this is fun. "do you know him?" one of her students questions and seulgi laughs, wrapping her arms around jaebum as he comes closer.

"yes, this is my boyfriend jaebum." seulgi informs them. jaebum doesn't miss the pouts on some of the males faces, or the appreciative glances of some of the females. seulgi's his and he's hers, so he drives the fact home with a kiss against her cheek before turning to gather her things. they linger for only a moment, her students getting the hint and leaving faster with quick goodbyes and nice to meet yous. 

when they're alone, seulgi playfully shoves him, stealing his lollipop stick and tossing it into the trash. "what was that?"

"staking claim to what's mine."

"i'm not your possession, jaebum. i'm your girlfriend."

"i know..." he tells her, leaning back down to pepper kisses against her lips now that they're alone, "you know how i like to tease. i missed you, baby." it's been a week since their last date, seulgi taking a trip to europe with her best friends before the new semester started. jaebum's been counting down the days until this moment. "did you miss me?" he wonders, voice low as he nibbles against her ear. seulgi smiles.

"of course i did."

"how much?" jaebum wonders, his hands resting on her hips and hoisting her up to sit on the desk.

"a lot... but not enough for a quickie in this classroom. another class will be here soon." she laughs, though her arms loop around his neck, pulling him in for kisses. "plus, i'm hungry. lunch first, sex after."

"sure, whatever you want."

they decide to get sandwiches and coffee at a cute little shop not too far from jaebum's apartment. he sits across from her with a doting smile on his face, listening to her tell him about her trip and how fun it was. "did you have fun without me?" seulgi wonders, wiping the corners of his mouth as he stuffs his face.

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