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jaebum will admit that naeun is gorgeous. she's slim but with a nice shape, long hair that frames her cute face, warm smile. he would have loved the opportunity to talk, get to know her and then maybe sleep with her months ago, but now things are different. now he has seulgi right where he wants her to be, and he was serious about not messing it up. he takes a seat next to her, chats briefly while also racking his brain on how he's going to get out of this.

if seulgi finds out, she'd automatically think the worse, thanks to his track record of hooking up with girls just for fun. seulgi will probably have his head if he spent all night with her, only to come home hang out with another girl, and then turn around and take her out to lunch. it looks suspicious, and fuck this would totally happen to him. he doesn't want seulgi to think he's messing around with her heart. he doesn't want seulgi to hate him, be mad at him, or to not trust him.

he became a playboy after getting his heart broken. he dated a girl all throughout high school, thought they'd commit to each other in college too, but she dumped him right before graduation. it hurt, and jaebum spent the summer before his first year in college trying to fill the hole she left with random hookups, which didn't ever work. the playboy image stuck with him after that, even as he grew out of the phase, and he just accepted it out of boredom. it's easier to not get romantically involved, you don't get hurt that way, at least that's what jaebum told himself. he never stopped to think how he might be affecting someone else though. never thought about how the girls he would make out with one night, and ignore the next, felt. and then seulgi happened.

she was supposed to be a casual hookup. she was a hot girl at a party who was looking for a dance, and jaebum gave her one. one thing led to another, and they were making out on couch. seulgi's friend had then pulled her away, knocked some sense into her because jaebum's bad for her, and jaebum was too tipsy to fight it. he watched her leave and expected to never speak to her again.

then they signed up for the same photography class in their third year. they had a group project together, engaged in small talk which turned into longer conversations, which then turned into all nighters. she kissed him first, when they were stuck in the library during a storm working on their project. they fucked for the first time, two nights later after their project was completed and turned in. then, before jaebum knew it, seulgi had become his favorite stress relief, he was constantly returning to her, and he wasn't sure if it was the sex or the post coital cuddles and talks.

now he knows it's a bit of everything. after messing around with seulgi for so long, jaebum can't even pinpoint the moment he fell for her, or when she filled the hole in his heart that was missing. but it's filled now, and his heart beats faster whenever she's near, and he craves her touch, kisses, and smiles when she's gone for more than a few hours. he's changed since high school, the man he is today, is probably the man he'll continue to be for the rest of his life, and he's ready to finally shed that playboy title and fall in love again. and seulgi will be the one to catch him if he has a say in that.

naeun takes out her phone, snapchats the entire group and tries to take a selfie with jaebum who smiles for the picture but then moves away. "i actually...have to get to class." he lies. his class already started, he skipped after all, but he needs some way to exit and this seems like the best way.

"oh no... maybe we can hang out again some other time?" naeun suggests.

"maybe, i really have to go now." jaebum grabs his things and heads towards the door. "see you around."

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