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A/N- This is Amber (the main character of the book) and my description of her. Obviously though you can picture her however you like(:

Amber, Amber Gold. Beautiful name to fit a beautiful person; inside and out.

Amber is medium height, not to short nor to tall. She has long light brown, naturally wavy/curly hair. Most would kill for her hair, her on the other hand hates it.

She has long, full eyelashes with hazel eyes. She refers to them as boring and dull. When in the sunlight they have hints of gold and red.

Skinny but not to much. Fit body, toned stomach, long legs, and even nice boobs and a nice ass. Most would say a model type body but to Amber it's nothing special and she would change the way she looks in a heart beat. So beautiful yet so insecure.

Why are the most beautiful people the ones who don't see it?

Why are the most beautiful people the ones who are so insecure?

You could take away Ambers good appearance and she would still be just as amazing. She's known as being hilarious as most people know her say. Which a lot of people do know her because she was one of the most popular girls in her school. (she's now graduated) But not just for her looks and humor.

Amber is one of the most genuine and kind hearted people you will meet. She cares about others more than she cares about herself. Her favorite thing is making people smile and laugh even when she can't seem to do it herself.

Amber is known to always be smiling. Her 4th grade teacher even called her Giggles the whole year because well I think you know why. She's also known to laugh at almost anything, something not even funny, or something she's just thinking about in her head. But just because she's making other people happy, smiling and laughing doesn't mean that's how she really feels.

She's often very sad but if she didn't tell you, you would have no idea.

She was also an honors student, took AP classes, and is very smart.

Amber loves sports and is pretty good at them even though she denies being a great athlete. She played volleyball, basketball, and lacrosse almost her whole life.

Amber also has a love for music. She loves to sing and is pretty good too. She has played piano and guitar since she was 10 and has a passion for music.

Music is her escape from reality.

So that's Amber Gold's life in a nutshell.

Pretty perfect right? Well if you ask Amber, it's far from it.

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