Breaking the Spell

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Uma glared at the painting. "Cover that back up!"

"I will not!" Lumiere retorted.

Uma smirked. "Why don't you tell everyone the present you got for me, Ben."

He turned to address the crowd. "I have an announcement! Uma will be joining the court tonight, as my lady."

Mal gripped my hand, as well as Evie's for support. I could see her heart breaking. "Son--" King Beast began.

"Not now, Dad!" Ben cried. "So as my gift to her, I'm bringing the barrier down once and for all!"

He turned to the headmistress. "Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier."

Fairy Godmother frowned. "I most certainly will not!"

"I am your king!"

I scoffed softly. "Real original, Ben. Using your authority to demand something."

"Obey him!" Uma added.

Mal's eyes widened as she came to a realization. "Ben's been spelled!"

Evie nodded. "Uma found your spellbook!"

She walked up to Ben and said, "Ben. Ben. Look at me."

Uma narrowed her eyes. "No, look at me. You love me, remember?"

Mal shook her head. "No, you don't. Ben, look at me."

"No you don't." Uma repeated, turning to Fairy Godmother. "Bring down the barrier now!"

"I do not take orders from you!" Fairy Godmother answered.

"Ben?" Uma called.

The poor boy had no idea where to look, and I felt bad for him.

Mal said softly, "Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough! And I thought that it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself." She pointed to the stained glass art. "But Ben, that's me."

"Ben, eyes over here." Uma demanded once again.

Mal smiled. "I'm part Isle and part Auradon! And Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be! Ben, I know what love feels like now. Ben, of course I love you! Ben, I've always loved you!"

The two of them kissed and I held my breath, hoping that the spell would wear off of Ben.

He looked at her and smiled. "Mal?"

I gripped Evie's hand excitedly as she smirked. "True love's kiss. Works every time."

"Ugh! Give it to me!" Uma cried, trying to get the wand.

Fairy Godmother frowned. "No! Guards, seize her!" Uma ran to the railing.

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