Chapter 7

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John P.O.V-



I woke up groaning slightly, due to my alarm going off. I sat up, shuting off my alarm on my phone, since I kinda broke my alarm clock a few days ago. I jumped off my bed, instantly getting ready. I brushed my teeth and left my hair a hot mess, as always.

"Oh hey John!" My dad called out, as I walked out my room, "The flight doesn't leave for another 2 hours and 30 minutes, so you can go out for a bit."

"Okay" I managed to say while yawning.

I hit the pockets on my shorts, to see if I had any cash on me.

Wallah! I pulled out two 40 bucks, from my pocket.

"Ayee, lez gooo" I shouted, throwing up one arm in the air, clenching my money in the other.

I started walking to the convenience store, which was a 15 minute walk, but I didn't mind.

It was a nice relaxing walk, peaceful and, suprisingly quiet.
I opened the door, to the store, hearing a little chime follow after. I grabbed a cinnamon roll and a small bottle of chocolate milk.

I headed to the cashier and placed my items on the counter. I pulled out one of my twenties and gave it to man. I glanced up a bit and he was staring at me. I grabbed my change, and seen that his hands were shaking, I shrugged and grabbed my choco milk and my cinnamon roll, then looked up again. He was still staring.

'Geez, the fucks wrong with you?'

He let out a little yelp and looked away. I guess I gave him a 'bitch look,' or something. Eh, who gives a crap. I shrugged and walked out the convenience store.

I shoved the money down my pocket and sat on the edge of the sidewalk, staring at the street, while eating the cinnamon roll.

I spent most of the time thinking of how I would conquer Wellston. I blanked out for a while then I finally remembered I had to catch a flight.

"AH SHIT-" I yelled out, barley remembering.

I got up and started running back to my house, screaming like a maniac.

I ran, passing the street lights. Well, I mean, it's not safe but not much cars drive here anyway, mostly everyone walks.

I skid turning a corner, running forward and reaching my destination. I turned the knob and ran in my room grabbing my bags.
Me and my dad got out the taxi walking into the airport. We passed through security, and the metal detector, making it to the boarding area.

"Welp dad, I gotta board my flight," I smiled, turning torwards him.

He wiped an invisible tear, "My son is growing up so fast."

I rolled my eyes, jokingly, "yeah yeah."

He smiled, "Call me when you get there, son."

I nodded, barley able to turn, he hands me an envelop, "here, this should last you a week, and it has your house keys and address."

My smile still stood and I nodded, "thanks dad."

I waved at him, walking away, hearing a faint "bye."
I boarded the plane and sat in my seat. I plug in my earbuds and play my playlist. I stare out the window and drift off into a nap.
A small ding awoken me, along with one of the plane staff's voice allowing us to leave from the plane.

I got off, retrieving my bags. I double checked, making sure I retrieved everything, and left. I stood out of the airport, waiting for my taxi to pick me up and drive me to my destination.
After a few minutes, a taxi pulled up and I got in.

"Where to?"

"Wellston please." I give him a small paper, with a address in it.

He hands it back and I gave him a small smile, not too small, where it wasn't noticeable, but not to big, where I looked like a creepy ass kid. He then smiles back nodding, begging to drive off to my destination.
I yawn, and in a few minutes I arrive. I smile again and walk out the cab, grabbing my bags. I hand him his cash and begin to walk to the door, of the address I was given.

I whistle, "Well, i'll be damned, for a small place, this is nice."

Entering the key and opening the door, I enter to see a few boxes and some furniture. 'Look's like father already put a few of my needs in here.'
It's nearly 10, and i'm sweaty from working out and putting my things away, in the proper placings. I gather some clothing and head in towards the bathroom to take a shower.

I'll be starting a new, fresh, school year in two days.

Who knows what's to come?

Well fuck me. I just finished this chapter a few month's into the year 2020? I don't know, i'm on a half-half contemplation whether or not I should discontinue this book.

I kinda lost interest, some-what at least. I'll think about it.

I didn't bother to correct anything, just finished it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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