Chapter 1: Class Trial

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Monodora: Ahem! Now then, let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial!
During the trial, you'll present your arguments for who the culprit is, and vote for whodunnit.
Vote correctly, and only the blackened will be punished. But if you pick the wrong person...
I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and that person will graduate from this academy!
Also, refusing to vote will result in your death. So, you better vote for someone!
Now, let's get this crazy, aeesome, crazy-awesome trial underway!
Mikoto: I guess we're finally gonna get to the bottom of this.
Keigo: Man, it's been a while since I've been involved in a trial.
Misuzu: You've been in a trial before?
Keigo: Yup. I used to host parties for criminals, but I've been trying to cut all my ties with those people.
Kazuomi: This is all so overwhelming...Where do we even start?
Marin: Big Sis has never been to a trial before...She isn't quite sure what to talk about first, poka poka.
Akira: Can we just jump into it? Let's talk about whatever comes up first, or something.
Aruma: I'm afraid we can't do that. Trials are very intense. A bit of "foreplay" is needed as a warm-up.
Akira: I'm just going to ignore your less than humorous sense of humor and just begin the discussion.
Fujimori was poisoned. That much we know.
Saiji: We know this for a fact, as my autopsy report says she was killed by a poison being ingested.
Narumi: But why would Fujimori-chan willingly drink poison?
Nico: Was she really that upset by what Mizuta-chan said?
Marin: That means...Big Sis is responsible?
Uma: It doesn't! You just pushed her to the edge is all!
Which means you are somewhat responsible, I guess.
Mikoto: No, she isn't.
Kasumi: H-How do you know?
Seishi: Please do explain yourself, Itsuki-sa-
Mikoto: I'm fine by myself. I don't need help from someone like you.
Seishi: Alright then?
Mikoto: Fujimori did not drink the poison willingly.
I have reason to believe she was poisoned by someone else.
Fujimori's mouth still had frosting by it. So the cupcake must've been poisoned by someone.
Misuzu: One of the cooks, right?
Mikoto: Correct.
Akira: See? I told you all Oosone and Sakuma teamed up to kill Fujimori.
Narumi: For the last time, no we didn't!
Kazuomi: Where would the culprit have gotten poison, anyway?
Mikoto: God, you're all imbeciles.
The poison is OBVIOUSLY from the science lab.
I found a mysterious bottle on the kitchen counter.
And a bottle was missing from one of the science lab's cabinets.
So the obvious conclusion is that the culprit took a bottle of poison from the science lab and poisoned Fujimori's cupcake.
Maiko: Okay. So we know the culprit has to be one of the cooks, as everyone else has an alibi.
Kasumi: Who were the cooks again?
Mikoto: They were Oosone, Sakuma, Kagura, Yodogawa, Aisaka, and Koga.
Shika: Don't forget us!
Mikoto: *sigh* And Koga's dumb puppets.
Nico: But wait! The cooks were all together in the kitchen baking cupcakes!
Seishi: I do not recall any of the cooks mysteriously leaving the kitchen at any time.
What oppurtunity would they have to get the poison AND poison the cupcake?

As much as I hate to say it, that's a good point.
When would the culprit have gotten those oppurtunities.

Mikoto: When Fujimori nearly fell down the stairs in the dormitory!
Akira: Hm? What do you mean?
Mikoto: Fujimori was distracted by the smell of the cupcakes, so she nearly fell down the dormitory stairs.
Thankfully, I was able to protect her.
Keigo: Oh yeah! What does that have to do with anything?
Mikoto: Most of the cooks heard Fujimori scream and ran out to check up on her.
Though, one was not present.
Misuzu: Really? I was so panicked, I did not even notice such a detail.
Kasumi: So what you're saying is, the culprit took advantage of Fujimori's clumsiness?
Mikoto: Correct.
Saiji: So we just have to remember which of the cooks was not present?
Mikoto: Yup.
Which means the culprit has to be...
Seishi: Me?
Maiko: Yodogawa-kun's the killer?
Mikoto: It's the only conclusion that makes sense!
He was the only one not at the scene. He must've used that oppurtunity to sneak poison into Fujimori's cupcake.
And Yodogawa doesn't even have an alibi for a portion of the night!
Specifically, an alibi for Fujimori's last moments.
Misuzu: Is this true, Yodogawa-san?
Narumi: Did you frame me and Sakuma-chan?
Seishi: I-I...
That's not...
I couldn't have...
Mikoto: Admit it already, Yodogawa.
The jig is up.
Seishi: Huh? Jig?

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