Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


It was stormy and the thunder was the loudest Harry had ever heard. Him and Grace were huddled on the small cupboard bed under the stairs, Grace had been shivering uncontrollably, whimpering and sobbing into her brother's shoulder as they clung to each other. She was always more afraid of the thunder than he was, so he was always there to comfort her.

"Get up you sniveling brats!" Uncle Vernon roared banging on the door making Grace jump and hold on to Harry tighter than before.

"Coming uncle," Harry hollered, balling his fists in anger because their uncle knew how scared Grace got when there was thunder. He pulled her up and walked slowly out the cupboard door with her grasping his hand like a lifeline and walked to the kitchen and started making lunch.

A huge bolt of lightning struck and Grace screamed as the lights went out with a loud BANG, she dropped the knife she had been using to cut the vegetables and ran straight for Harry and they stood in the kitchen listening to uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia bumping into things and swearing while trying to find the torches above the mantle. Another fork of lightning struck illuminating the twins identical scars and a figure just behind the pair. Grace screamed as the figure pulled her out of Harry's grasp, shoving him backward into the kitchen counter, and with the next flash of lightning she was gone...

Harry woke with a start, his heart thundering in his chest, the dream/memory lingering in his mind.

"whoa, Harry you alright mate?" Ron asked from across the room, pulling a shirt over his head.

"Um, Yeah I-I'm fine just a bad dream," he said, and Ron winced "uh, let's get to breakfast we have to leave for the train soon."

After restyling his wardrobe (quite literally) Harry and Ron sat down at the table next to Hermione, and piled their plates high with Mrs Weasly's pancakes.

"ya know Harry, you talk a lot in your sleep," Gorge said from across the table, "so, who's grace? your secret lover?"

Harry choked on his mouthful of pancake,  Sirius winced and put his fork down waiting for Harry's answer. A strained look passed over Harry's face as he debated telling them, but he had kept it from them for long enough (not Sirius obviously),

"She-She's my twin sister...she was kidnapped on our tenth birthday..." He said looking down at his plate so the others wouldn't see the silver lining his eyes, which caused the already thick lump in his throat seam all that much bigger.

"But didn't she die with your parents?" Fred asked with no hints of jokes in his voice.

"What, NO!," Harry said looking up from his plate anger creeping up his voice.


"She was only said to have died but no one knows what happened to her, when I heard what had happened it was already Four years after she disappeared... I don't think even Dumbledore knows," Sirius interrupted with an apologetic look at Harry as he visually deflated.


After the war the students had to redo the year that they missed. That, to the dismay of most applied to the seventh years from the year prior... Harry - despite what common beliefs suggested- was excited to go back to where he considered his true home...well as true as it could get...

the train ride was filled with the anticipation of the events to come and the riffraff of the students riding it, many had either avoided him or praised the ground on which he walked, neither of which he wanted at any given point.

When the train arrived at it's little station in Hogsmeade Harry walked slowly towards the carriages, flashes of war coming in and out of focus, when he reached them however he couldn't help but notice the surprise and fear on most of the students faces at seeing the deathlike thressils. 'So many' his thoughts screamed at him, telling him how it was his fault so many had died because they had all followed him into battle only to receive either the cold embrace of death or the harsh reality that their best friend just died.

When everybody had filed into the hall and the first years lead in by Hagrid the sorting hat's new song sounded:

Through trial and error the age of darkness had ended,

however every end has a new beginning,new foes, and new alies

from thunder, waves, and precious stones the blessed will return with knowledge of eons passed.

the lions of courage and pride

the eagles of knowledge and mindfulness

the snakes of cunning and ambition

the badgers of loyalty and kindness

when will unity become whole again or shall the bitter barriers of simple colors be the downfall of us all?

though what would i know, i am but a simple sorting hat...

A confused hush was left over the hall like a damp blanket,making all in its midst turn to their neighbors with questioning looks. but as the silence stressed on, thick and uneasy the head mistress cut it down by clearing her throat and starting to call names off the list held shakily in her once young hands. Harry wasn't paying attention, though he clapped at all the right moments when a new Gryffindor was sorted, his mind was racing with multiple thoughts about both the hats speech and his missing half but before the pain behind his eyes could become worse Harry's thoughts came to a spluttering halt when Mcgonagalls welcoming speech was interrupted by a large flash of light that appeared in front of the doors to the great hall.

once the students could see again, standing in front, or rather behind them was what looked like a group of teenagers and two weirdly dressed women.

"quickly, she'll be here any second," a girl with long blonde haired shouted to two of the boys who were standing to the side.

"where?" said one, his sea green eyes reflecting a look of concern.

The glass behind the staff table shattered causing some students to yell in surprise, as dark shape came soaring through and collided with the banners hanging from the ceiling.

"catch her!" the girl shouted fear evident in her voice and the boy standing next to her who quite frankly looked like he belonged in hufflepuff took off at full sprint to place himself under the falling person and stumbled slightly when she landed heavily in his arms.

The entire hall was holding their breath waiting to get a glimpse of the person under the robes as the boy placed her down gently and checked her for injurys...

"she's ok,"


AN ooooo cliffhanger... what's gonna happen next?

hope you enjoy<3

(1050 words)

All characters (except the ones from my mind) belong to their owners, not me. Chao ;)


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