Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"She's ok" he muttered to himself but everyone heard, an audible sigh of relief ran through the gathered people in the back of the hall and they hurried to their fallen companions' side. the two women pushed through the crowd of teens, ushering them aside.

"Let me see her," one of the women said her dark hair swirling around her and the girl was passed into her embrace. After a few tense seconds the girl started to stir, which managed to break the silent charm cast throughout the hall and Mcgonagall spoke up, "Excuse me but who are you and what are you doing in my school?"

"That my dear is a fantastic question," the other lady asked with a threatening tone, her ivory blond locks seaming to drift on unseen winds. "Where and why are we here my dearest Hecate?"

"Humf, if you gave me a chance to speak then I would like to explain," the woman addressed as Hecate retaliated. "But I'm sure this is not the place to do it. If you will Minerva would you please take us to a more... private room?"

The stern headmistress gave a brief nod and turned back to her students, "everyone dinner will be served in your common rooms please can the prefects make sure that everyone gets to their houses,"

soon people started to file out, all was silent except for light murmurs and the prefects calling for their houses to follow, each student giving the 'visitors' a wide berth in order to avoid trampling on the still half asleep girl in Hecate's arms, said woman was scanning the face of every student that passed but her eyes stayed on a certain green eyed boy who was staring right back at her, "You there, stay behind for a moment," she beckoned to him with a finger to come closer.

"Mr Potter by all students to their common rooms I meant all," Mcgonigall scolded in a light tone. all the teens visibly tensed at the sound of his last name and turned to face him, intrigue highlighted on each face that scanned his own.

"leave him Minerva i called him over,"


The five teens stared openly at Harry as the hall gradually emptied,curiosity was plastered on some, mischief on others and suspicion on another. Harry meanwhile was stiffly standing near magonnagal, staring at the girl still cradled in Hecate's arms, a sense of familiarity washing over him as he took in the details of her dirty and bruise filled face but couldn't make out much as her messy black hair was sprawled all over it.

"I think it best if we take this to my office," Mcgonagall stated and led the way.

"Percy dear?" Hecate asked a silent question to the sea green eyed boy when his head shot up to meet her gaze, he gave a brief nod and gently scooped the girl out of her arms and followed the headmistress out the great hall.

"Harry, you coming?" the blonde woman asked with a tilt of her head, as he scrambled to catch up to the fast moving group.


Percy cradled the girl's limp body with as much care as possible while he walked next to Annabeth. She side eyed him, her grey eyes seeing through the barriers of his mind and she gave him a knowing look.

"Don't look at me like that!" he hissed. "I just feel guilty knowing that we could have come here earlier, had it not been for that weird shadow we would have been here ages ago." he muttered just loud enough for her to hear. she punched his arm, just enough to hurt.

"idiot, you of all people know that this is the way the fates made it be so don't give me that schist,"

"ouch! Geeze don't hit so hard you could hurt her!" he whisper-scolded the blonde but gave her a grateful smile nonetheless.

As the odd group rounded the corner that lead to the ominous looking gargoyle that guarded the headmistress' office, the still hooded girl cracked open her eyes for the first time, to give a startled Percy a reassuring smile that told him nothing was his fault, only to close them again and let out a groan of pain at the headache that appeared whenever the entity had any dark intentions... of which a new death would usually follow.

tears started to well up in her eyes as her body began to shake in Percy's unwavering grip. as he reached the room beyond the winding stairs Percy looked down at her quivering form with a look of worry on his face. a thick lump formed in her throat and she forcefully held back a sob when the larger boy placed her gently on a chair, only to crouch in front of her with Annabeth at his side trying to comfort the terrified girl, but nothing got past the thickening mist in her eyes as the scene changed from the cozy office in Hogwarts castle, to a thickly forested quarry dusted in murky moonlight causing the long shadows to create gruesome images on the ragged ground.


"Shit, shit, shit, he's got her in another one of his deathly rampages," Percy swore when the girl's eyes misted over and terror filled mumblings escaped her lips.

"What's wrong young man?" Mcgonagall queried, concern for the young girl glimmering in her eyes.

"I believe the young potter boy could be of some help..." Hecate spoke with an airy tone, and gestured for the timid boy to come forward.

Harry stepped in front of the shaking girl but he gave a gasp of shock as he was finally able to see her face, delicate features that distinctly looked like his mother and the messy raven hair that was obscuring his view of her before had light streaks of red and gold stretching down her back to rest by her hips. her eyes were closed shut as if waiting for something bad to come. realizing with a jolt that she was in one of the deadly visions that he often had, he gently pulled her onto his lap and cradled her head in his hands and leaned down to connect their foreheads, in order to connect his mind with hers, and dove into the devastating vision that his sister was experiencing...

AN yes, I am indeed alive... O-O I think we can all be in agreement that school sucks as it has been working me to the bone but i have found a time to write but again don't get your hopes up... he he love ya 

your cinnamon roll author <3

All  characters (except the ones from my mind) belong to their owners not me.   Chao ;)

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