Making Changes

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"So, if we can't go out during the day, and it's getting too risky to go out at night, what are we supposed to do?" Stephanie asked.

"I mean, we could leave at night, it's just getting really hard," Mark said.

"Last night was way too close," Amy added. "We were just lucky that there was only one guard."

"Should we maybe go out in bigger groups?" Ken asked.

"That would only make us easier to be spotted," Matt answered. "They see one, they'd see us all."

There was a thinking silence as they all considered that.

"What we need to do, is find out when they're making their next move," Jack suggested. The group looked up at him. "That way, we can plan a little better."

"What are you proposing?" Ken asked. "You think some of us should go over there?"

"I think a few of us should go to their headquarters and try to get inside," Jack said. "It might be the only way we can get some information..."

"You want us to break into the dictators' headquarters?" Felix questioned. "You do remember that these people are your evil clones, and they want you dead, right?"

"Jack might be right," Mark said. "Either we make a move, or we continue to struggle for survival."

"Well, I know I'm going tonight," Jack stated. "Who's coming with me?"

You put on your uniform as you prepared for the day. Or at least, what was left of it. Since you were on a night shift last night and tonight, you didn't have to report to roll call until the afternoon.

How could I have lost both of them? you thought to yourself.

You were annoyed with what had happened last night. With all the training you had, you shouldn't have lost either of them, especially since you had one cornered. What if they were members of the Defiance? They were the only ones who dared to go out of night. 

All of your training had prepared you for that moment. So how could you have let them get away from you? Were they really that good? Or were you just unable to catch them? Slamming your fist down on your dresser, you vowed that you would never let anyone get away from you again. 

You studied yourself in the mirror, then picked up your gun. You were going to catch them. Even if you had to use more force than you had planned.

Jack crouched behind the tall tree that stood in front of the front gate. Given that this was the main gate to the government headquarters, it was heavily guarded. Jack needed to get over to the back gate, but he couldn't get over there with all of these guards here. That's what the guys were for.

Mark and Felix stood by ready to create a diversion, while Matt and Nate hid in the bushes and trees, respectively. They would help fight off the the guards if needed. Once he was ready, Jack nodded to Matt, who then gave a thumbs up to Mark.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Mark yelled to Felix.

"I just want to talk, man!" Felix yelled back. "We need to talk about my iPod!"

They had the guards' attention now, but they didn't yet move from their post.

"Not now!" Mark retorted. "We're gonna get caught! Besides, it was my iPod, that you stole!"

"No, it wasn't!" Felix shot back.

"If you keep this up, maybe I'll turn you into the Opposition!" Mark shouted. As part of the act, he gave Felix a shove.

"Oh yeah? Maybe I'll do that to you!" Felix shoved Mark back. "After all, I'm sure Dark would love to see his twin again!"

That did it. Apparently, the fact that Mark was Dark's doppelganger was enough to send the guards into action. They took off after the two, and Matt and Nate jumped out with their dart guns. Nate tossed a taser to Mark, and Matt threw a tranquilizer to Felix. 

As the four of them fought with the guards, Jack took that as his opportunity to run around the tall fence that surrounded the building. Lucky for him, none of the guards on the inside were looking his way. A few of them were looking to the front at the commotion at the front, and there were enough plants around that Jack could stay hidden.

At the rear of the fence, Jack covered his head with his hood, then began to climb the fence. He and the others had been training for moments like this, so it wasn't all that hard to make it to the top. It was getting down that was the problem.

He was at the top now, only a few feet away from the upper ledge. Jack shot his grappling hook across the gap and hooked it onto the railing. He soared over to the ledge, planting his feet on the wall. Hands shaking, he pulled himself to the top and swung himself over the railing.

Jack sank down and ran his hands through his hair. That one moment had him shaky and unwilling to do it again. Hating heights was a bad thing right now, and being afraid of them was worse.

He knew he couldn't stay there. Within seconds, he was back on his feet and inside the building. Now, he needed to find the room that held all the information of what the dictators would be doing next.

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