Chapter 1: The Golem and UA

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There was once a little boy born into a small family. A child who loved heroes and wished to become one himself when he grew older. His name was Izuku Midoriya. When he turned 4 was the day everything had changed. One single word tore his world apart.

A loving mother to become neglectful, a caring sibling into an enemy, a best friend into a menace and a kind father into an executioner. Quirkless was it's name and the reason he died. Yet there was someone who had a true heart to find him, save him and grant him a new life.

Gaius Magnus, an honest researcher that looked into the past of mysterious forgotten objects of unknown power, Relics. He had saved his soul when his body was destroyed. Gave him a new form, a better life and the chance to find true friends along with who he was.

This is the story of the Ghost in the Machine named Knack Magnus.

The sun began to rise in the sky as a figure stood on the sandy beach of Dagobah. A being made of living broken stone and gold. Green and black pieces that served as a short mane of bushy hair, verdant stone for claws and toes, black small oval stone for pupils, gold for teeth and his tusks, parts or his large gumdrop nose, and a orb of gold at the center of his chest. To others he looked like a muppet or doll but he was Izuku or now known as Knack Magnus.

The teenager watched the sunrise sparking the water with it's light. Dagobah Beach used to be a trash heap until the young golem cleaned it years ago. Since Knack's body couldn't grow naturally like a human, extra parts were added his body so he could grow normally. His form actually looked more humanoid than the doll state and a bit filled like an athlete in structure standing around 5'11. His tiny claws were now larger with fingers and hands, his toes now having joints and all 5 toes though the fifth was in the back heel, he actually had more relics serving as hair than the few pieces so he had a punk like style and growing in size had given him white sclera. It made him feel more human than a stone puppet.

Clothes wasn't an easy thing for his body destroyed every normal solution or worked against him. But he figured out his huge wardrobe malfunction that wouldn't hinder his ability in battle or get him arrested for 'nudity'. Capture Relics, artificial relics he created using Capture Material and Sunstones. The pieces could form clothing that looked like the real deal but break apart and can be used in conjunction with his energy. He had set the Capture Relics to form a dark green tracksuit and white stripes. He still wore his scarf without changing it. "A brand new day and the beginning of a new adventure. I'll see you in UA, Mei. You can count on it." Knack spoke. His voice was a bit deeper more adult like than a 14 year old.

UA was a very large highschool that could easily be mistaken for a mansion or military base from its size alone. Many hopeful students were going to take the Entrance Exam to see if they could get into this legendary school that all the top heroes including the Symbol of Peace All Might had graduated from. Knack was one of them walking casually towards the building. He received a lot of looks and stares from everyone around though it was natural. No one saw anything like him before. "Get out of my way, bitch!" A familiar yell came as Knack couldn't help but sigh. Apparently Katsuki was also taking the exam and he was taking his anger out on a brown haired girl with permanent blush.

Luckily Bakugo had walked away after that but one of those days, Knack was going to punch his teeth out. But now he had an exam to take. The Written Exam was very easy for the golem since he processed more information than his old human body which was something he still missed. Sure he was stronger but there were some things not even power or his new body could give. Soon the golem had found himself in the auditorium for an explanation on the practical exam. This was being held by the Voice Hero, Present Mic. "Hey everyone!! Can I get a yeah?!" The blonde hero shouted. "YEAH!" Knack shouted despite the strange looks he gotten though he ignored them.

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