Coffee & Parking Lots

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It had been almost a week since the incident in the kitchen and I still hadn't told Felix what I had done. He had been staying overnight at work every night since. So, my conscience has basically given up on guilt at this point. "Sorry I asked you to meet me here." Felix said as he hugged me tightly and we both sat down at the small café table. "I told them to get you an Americano, hope that is okay."

"It is fine." I said as the waitress placed the caffeinated beverage in front of me. I watched Felix eat his breakfast and my stomach felt sick as I caught eye of his shirt collar. A light pink lipstick stain stood out to me as a horrible reminder of what I was trying to forget he was doing behind my back. I couldn't help but continuing to stare at it. "Did you finally get the merger done?" I asked.

"Uh, no. Unfortunately, things just keep getting complicated. I don't know why they don't just let it go." He answered. He got a message on his phone and he looked it over before turning off his phone and going back to eating.

"You have put almost a month of overtime into it. Why would you wish to destroy that work?"

"I know I haven't been home much. I am sorry." He looked genuinely sad and like an idiot, I felt sorry for him. He reached over the table and grabbed a hold of my hands and started running his thumb over the back of them. The tingling sensation of his light touch made my heartbeat quicken. I was happy to see the loving glare in his eyes as he looked at me, but my stomach flipped as I accidently looked over his shoulder. Coming our direction was, a smiling Bangchan.

"Hey Hyejin." He sounded excited to see me as he spoke. To try and conceal my shaking nerves, I pulled my hand back from Felix. I could see he was suspicious of my actions. Bangchan looked confused as he looked back and forth between me and Felix. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Oh, no." I knew I had to take charge of this situation before Bangchan could blow it. "Felix, this is Bangchan. He is Jiwoo's cousin." Felix looked over to me and the recognition of who I was talking about hit him.

"Oh, your nurse friend." Bangchan looked at me like he didn't know what to do and I begged him with only my eyes to go along with it. "Hello, nice to meet you mate. The name is Felix." He held out his hand for Bangchan to take.

"Uh, hi. I'm Bangchan, but you can call me Chris." Bangchan said awkwardly shaking Felix's hand.

"Is that an Australian accent I am hearing? I don't remember you mentioning Jiwoo being from there too." I felt like I was going to throw up. All this lying was going to do me in. I wondered how Felix did it. I know I had to be paler than snow.

"She isn't." Bangchan said out of nowhere and I looked up at him surprised. "Just my part of the family moved there. Dad's work, ya know." Bangchan and Felix both chuckled at his explanation.

"Okay. So, what brings you here?" Felix asks as he finally sits back down at the table.

"Oh, well." Bangchan nervously rubbed the back of his neck and I felt guilty. Guilt that he had to lie with me, and guilt that I had even met him in the first place. "About a week ago Hyejin stayed at my cousin's place and she forgot her work ID. I have it in my car. I just wanted to give it to her." So that is where it ended up.

"Why do you have it? Why didn't Jiwoo just give it back to her at work?" Felix questioned.

"She was going to, but it accidently dropped out of her purse when I drove her to work. I was going to give it back, but then I saw Hyejin here. So, I thought why not just give it to the owner."

"That makes sense." Felix said and we both let out the breath we had been holding in.

"Yea. Okay. I will just walk out and grab it, and I will be right back." I said getting up from the table.

"Wait." Felix stopping me made my heart race in nervousness. Has he seen through the charades? "I have to go home and change anyway. I have to get back to work." He stood up from the table and walked over to me. Bangchan watched his every move. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "I will see you at home. Love you."

I tried to ignore the fact the man I had cheated with was right next to us as I kissed him on the cheek. "I love you."

There was nothing but silence between us as Bangchan walked me to where he had parked his car. To my surprise he had parked it inside one of the public underground garages. "It's right over there." He said and the headlights blinked as he pointed the sensor at it. I nodded okay and followed him over.


"No problem. I get it." He said as he pulled open the driver's door and leaned inside.

"I'm sorry." I said and I fought to hold in the guilty tears. I bowed my head to the ground.

Bangchan used two fingers to lift my chin and make me look at him. "I said I get it. You wanted to feel loved. I saw the lipstick smudge on his collar. That alone tells me why you used me. I just hope I met the challenge." He laughed.

His laughter was not returned by me. I let the tears go. "It was a mistake. I never should have danced with you. I never should have left. It was all a big mistake."

"To be honest, that hurts a bit, but you seemed so happy while it was happening." The sadness on his face made me feel worse. He handed over my ID and stood against his car. "I kind of felt something between us."

"I am sorry. I love Felix and what we did was wrong. I am so very sorry. I lose myself when I drink too much"

"I see. Used by you is worse than the others, but I guess I will just have to get over it." His smile was half hearted and I only felt like the scum of the earth.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I knew this was a stupid question, but I had to try.

"A goodbye kiss?"

I was surprised by his request. "Are you joking?"

"Nope. You used me baby girl, and kind of hurt my ego. Least you can do is give me one last kiss to boost it back up a bit." How could I argue with that? It was my fault in the first place. I shouldn't have drunk so much and this situation wouldn't have happened. I agreed to his request and nervously walked closer to him. I had to stand on my tiptoes to even reach his lips. I quickly pecked them with mine and went to back away. "That isn't a kiss baby girl."

Before I could stop him, he had me pushed up against the side of his car where he once was and had his lips on mine. I tried to fight back, but my body betrayed me once again. The sweet taste of his tongue against mine made my head swim and my body grow weak. When he finally stopped, I was sad he had. We were both breathing hard as he leaned his forehead against mine. "Shit." My thoughts came out of my mouth.

"Can't blame what happened on the alcohol anymore, can you?" Bangchan laughed. I firmly shoved him away from me, and ran out of the garage, feeling even more ashamed of myself.

 Author's Note: The next couple chapters are where the story starts to explode! I hope you look forward to it.

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