Chapter 1: Leaving

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Hiccup POV
"We are so... leaving" I say walking into the cove. "We're going on a vacation forever." I'm Hiccup horrendous haddock the third, the only Viking that has befriended a dragon and refuses to kill one. "What are you doing out here?" I hear someone ask coolly, I whip around to see who spoke. Oh great, there stands the girl I have a crush on, and that hates me for beating her in dragon training, Astrid Hofferson.

"Oh you know just getting away from the crowds" I respond nervously hoping toothless isn't in sight. "What are you doing here" I ask trying to get her to focus on me. "I'm trying to figure out how you got so good at dragon training" she says accusingly. I slowly start to back away scared while she bombards me with questions. "Have you been training with someone? Does it involve this?" Gesturing to my flight vest, it was at this moment I spotted toothless behind her and began to think I'm screwed. Seeing an expression of shock on my face she turns around and sees toothless. "Night fury! Run Hiccup, I'll hold him off" she yells while pushing me to the ground.

Upon seeing this toothless began to growl at Astrid thinking she will hurt me. In response she raises her axe, ready to attack toothless. "No Astrid! Don't!" I yell snatching the axe from her hands and throwing it away. "It's okay bud" I say calmly "she's a friend." After telling toothless that he calmed down but still looked suspiciously at Astrid not fully trusting her. "You scared him." I told her, "I SCARED HIM," she yells in disbelief "who is he". "Astrid Toothless, Toothless Astrid" I say introducing them. Upon hearing this Astrid ran from the cove abandoning her axe.

"Da da da, we're dead" I say, hearing this toothless walks away. "Come on bud we need to go catch her" and with that we took off after her. Toothless quickly grabbed Astrid and then placed her on the top of a tall tree.

"HICCUP, GET ME DOWN" she screamed. "Only if you listen to me" I say "No I'm not listening to you" she yelled. "Fine then let me show you" I reach down offering her my hand to pull her onto toothless. She bats my hand away and warily climbs into toothless's back. "Okay bud lets take her down nice and gently." I tell home calmly. But of course toothless launches himself high into the air planning to terrify her.

*Just imagine the romantic flight scene minus the part with the red death*

We flew back to the cove Astrid in awe of all she now knew about dragons compared to the information before. "Hiccup what are you going to do? Everyone expects you to kill the dragon tomorrow." She tells me honestly. "Astrid I'm going to leave berk. It's the only way to avoid killing dragons." I tell her. "Fine but I'm coming-" I cut her off saying "No, nobody here cares about me or if I disappear. But you are popular and have a life if you leave they will search for you." Astrid looks disappointed that I wouldn't bring her "Hiccup if you leave gobber will miss you... and so will I." She tells me. "Fine what about this go into the village and tell people you found my dagger and that I'm dead. But I will keep in contact with you whether it means I meet you here or I send a letter." I tell her hoping she will agree. "Okay but you'd better meet me here once a month at the very least" she says. "Yes I will definitely do that and Astrid just know I always loved you." I tell her "Hiccup I love you too" she says. With that I collected my belongings from around the cove and loaded toothless. Getting on his back I look at Astrid again "Astrid I will meet you here in one month at midnight" I told her, "Hiccup I will miss you and in one month you're going to teach me to train a dragon" she says. "Okay in one month I'll teach you, goodbye Astrid" I say "Goodbye Hiccup" she says sadly and with that I flew away off to find myself a home and learn about the dragons.

Hi this is my first ever fanfic so please don't flame me too much for it. It should get better as it goes along. I don't own HTTYD all rights go to Dreamworks Animation. Please comment if something doesn't make sense so I can fix it.

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