Chapter 11: The Wedding

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Astrid POV
'KNOCK KNOCK' Waking up to the sound of knocking at the door I got out of bed and opened the door to find Heather. "Morning, mala was wondering if you guys have anything besides full masks you could wear" heather asked. "Yeah Hiccup and I brought bandannas that just cover our nose and mouth" I responded. "Okay, see you at the wedding" heather said before leaving.

Seeing as the wedding wasn't until this afternoon I put on my spiked leather skirt, red shirt and helmet since I didn't want to wear the dress I brought for the ceremony all day. Feeling my stomach grumble I went to hiccups room and told him it was time for breakfast. Mere moments later hiccup left his room dressed in a shirt with a leather chest plate, leather pants, and his mask. 'Dang, I need to get him more of those tight leather pants to wear cause he looks good' I thought staring at his rear end. "Ready Milady?" Hiccup asked snapping me from my thoughts. "Yeah, I was waiting on you Babe" I responded taking the arm he had offered me.

we leisurely walked to breakfast enjoying the fact we were next to one another, once we reached the great hall we found a table and ate knowing that we would be flying to meet the wing maidens and show them where to place their baby razorwhips.

Once we had finished eating we walked back to our rooms and put on our flight suits. then we walked to the dragons, as soon as Toothless could see hiccup he leaped on top of him and licked hiccup, "Aww Come on bud. you know that doesn't wash out" he moaned while I laughed at the state hiccup was in. "Babe we have to go meet the wing maidens right now, you can lounge around later," I said teasing him while I got on stormfly.

"Last one there does the laundry for a week" I called to him after I had taken off, quickly I heard the sound of toothless take off meaning my headstart was over. looking around I could see the wing maidens and began to fly towards them but as I was getting close enough to call to them I saw hiccup and toothless overtake me.

"hey Atali, its been too long since we've seen you" hiccup called once I arrived "that it has hiccup, Astrid how are you?" Atali responded, "We're doing well Atali but during the wedding could you use our fake names." I answered, "Of course" she responded "Okay follow us we'll show you where you can put the razorwhips," Hiccup said. quickly we turned around and led the wing maidens to the island, once we arrived we took them to see Heather before Hiccup and I returned to our rooms to change into clothes for the wedding.

I had brought a light blue dress with the tracker class symbol on the right shoulder as well as a blue bandana that covers my mouth and nose. Opening my door I found hiccup waiting for me, "You look stunning Milady," he said. "Thanks babe you too," I told him, he was wearing a leather chest plate with the strike class symbol on his right shoulder along with brown leather pants and his black bandanna.

Holding hands we walked to the great hall for the wedding and took seats at the front. The ceremony took place soon after we arrived with the rings exchanged and vows said it was a beautiful moment though once we sat down for the feast I heard "Hey beautiful want ditch the toothpick and come with a real man?"

Immediately I recognized the voice as snotlout hitting on me, "Hey stupid leave me alone" I said sounding annoyed. "But a beautiful woman deserves a beautiful man" he responded "First off I've already got a handsome guy and secondly I highly doubt chief stoick would want to find out his heir was flirting with the dragon mistress," I said annoyed at his stupidity. "Wait you're the dragon mistress," he said shocked before continuing "Well since you've just got that bandanna on let's take it off so I can see your face." Quickly he reached for my bandanna only for me to grab his wrist and pull him off balance before smashing his face off the table knocking him unconscious.

"Ryder let's give the newlyweds our gifts and go before rocks for brains wakes up" I said to Hiccup. Quickly we got up and gave Dagur and mala gronckle iron weapons engraved with their significant others name. Afterwards, we left and returned to our rooms and packed up planning to leave in the morning and say our goodbyes before traveling back to dragons eden. Before I fell asleep I thought 'I hope mine and hiccups wedding will be just as beautiful as theirs'

Heya guys that was 815 words hope you all enjoyed. Sorry for not doing a better write up of the wedding but this was slightly rushed due to me writing most of this the Monday and Sunday before it was published. Still please comment any ideas you have but I'm planning on doing a fishlegs POV next chapter as he tries to determine the identity of the dragon master and mistress. Until Next Time...

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