Chapter 3

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After their conversation, Virgil left to go call his mom and ask her if he could stay next door with Patton for a while. Once Virgil had left the room Patton let out a sigh, his shoulders sagging in exhaustion.

Logan adjusted his glasses as he gazed at Patton in concern. He was sure all of this must be draining on Patton.

"I'm not sure if this is a good idea, you guys. I mean I hate lying to him more than anyone but we don't know what will happen." Patton said pitifully.

"Patton it has been 5 years we had to do something," Roman said defensively.

"Yeah and this 'something' could just make things worse. We don't know what could happen." Patton responded to his voice getting louder.

"Yes, but there is a statistical probability that it could be beneficial," Logan responded.

"I don't even know what that means!" Patton started his temper rising.

"It means..." Logan started but was interrupted.

"I don't care, Logan, what it means! All I care about is that I have spent the last five years keeping him safe, that's it! You want to do something that could ruin it! I'm sorry if I don't feel comfortable with your oh so brilliant idea!" Patton spat. Logan had a look flash through his eyes that Patton can't quite place in his current rattled state, and as soon as it appeared it disappeared. Logan adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat unsure of how to proceed.

"Patton, I think..." Roman tried to help but was silenced from one angry look from Patton.

"Patton you can't keep doing this... it's killing you..." Logan said the desperation clear in his voice.

"What?" Patton was about to respond when a small voice interrupted their conversation. Virgil had just walked back from talking to his mom on the phone when he heard Logan's statement. The others turned to look at Virgil in surprise wondering how much he had heard.

Patton thought quick on his feet. "What do you mean Virge?" Patton asked wondering what parts he had listened to.

"What does Logan mean? What's killing you? Are you sick Patton? Do you need to go to the doctors?" Virgil asked in a panic. Rushing over to put a worried hand to Patton's forehead searching for a temperature.

Okay, so he only heard that part. "No, no Virgil I am not sick," Patton said earning a sideways look from the other two whom he mentally glared at. "Logan here just thinks I spread myself out too thin is all. He wasn't being serious. He meant that figuratively."

"Oh," Virgil said calming down a little bit, dropping his hand down slightly embarrassed. "Okay." Patton smiled seeing that Virgil had calmed down. "So, V what did your mom say."

"She said yes. As long as I get all my school work done on time." Virgil said with a shrug.

"Yay!" Patton said enthusiastically. "What do you guys want to do tonight?" He questioned the whole group."

"Um, Pat can I maybe just go take a nap until dinner? I am still tired from ya know." Virgil said referring to the panic attack he had earlier in the day.

"Sure Virgil, you can go to sleep on my bed if you want. And I'll have these two help me cook dinner." Patton said gesturing to the two who had been somewhat glaring at Patton, but with the sudden shift in Virgil's attention brightened up.

"Indeed! All must get their beauty rest, otherwise, all the world would be lacking in appearance." Roman said. Virgil looked at him confused, not sure if that statement made sense. Deciding it was better not to question him he nodded and saluted the group before he retreated to Patton's room.

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