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Nat listens to the reports of everyone before the call cuts out. Okoye and Rhodey remain online.
"How is she, Okoye?" Nat asks, sitting for the first time since the meeting began.
"Vitals are still normal, she's stable."
"Okay, keep an eye on her, please." Nat pleads before Okoye nods and leaves.
The general makes her way to the medical wing where the chamber is placed. Y/n sleeps peacefully inside while doctors rush around outside. "How is she?" Okoye asks.
"Still stable, no changes in heart rate, brain waves, or cell activity."
"Good, let me know as soon as anything changes." She orders.
"Yes, general."
Okoye exits the room and heads towards the exit of the hospital wing but stops when she hears shouting behind her.
"General!" She turns to see a doctor running towards her. "The girl, something's changed." Okoye quickly moves back to the room demanding answers.
"After you left, the altered cells in her body, the ones affected by the mind stone,  began to react. We thought nothing, thinking it had something to do with what she was thinking. But then her heart rate spiked and brain activity reached a normal level of a conscious person."
"So what's the problem?"
"We think she's trying to wake up."
"Someone get Captain Rogers on the phone. Get him to Wakanda."

Steve sprints through the hallways and straight to the room he was in the last he visited 5 years prior. "Is she okay?"
"She's waking herself up, no idea why, or how but she is."
"Well shit."

Y/n slowly opens her eyes, 2 hours after Steve's arrival. At first she's confused before she sees Okoye. "Why am I awake? Why'd you pull me out?"
Before Okoye responds, Steve speaks up. "We didn't, you did. You pulled yourself out."
"It's perfect timing too. We might have figured it out but we need you to do it." Steve smiles at y/n as she steps out of the chamber, a smile plastered on her face.

At a lake in Upstate New York, Tony walks out of the cabin near the lake and towards a small teepee. "Chow time!" He class towards the teepee. "Morgoona?" He calls, sitting on the tiny chair beside the little hut. "Morgan H. Stark. Want some lunch?"
"Define lunch or be disintegrated." A little girl pops out wearing a blue and silver version of the iron man helmet.
"You should not be wearing that, okay? That is part of a special anniversary gift I'm making for Mom." Tony tells her, kissing her cheek through the helmet. He pulls it off to reveal the face of the little girl, Morgan, shedding a mischievous smile on her face. "There you go. Are you thinking about lunch? Want a handful of crickets? Served on a bed of lettuce?"
"No." She whines slightly.
"That's what you want. How did you find this?" He questions.
"Garage." She simply answers.
"Really? Were you looking for it?" He jokingly smiles at her.
"No. I found it though." She smiles. Tony's smile falters slightly remembering the same conversation he had with y/n after he became Iron Man.
"You like going to the garage, huh? So does daddy. It's fine, actually. Your mom never wears anything I buy her." Tony picks up the young girl and walks towards the house.
Meanwhile, Steve pulls up to the cabin.
"I can't do this." Y/n says. "What if he doesn't want to see me?"
"He's your father, he'll be happy to see you." Nat encourages, pushing her out of the car.
Y/n walks towards the door, freezing when she sees Tony walking towards the house. Tony looks away from Morgan to see y/n standing there.
"Hi dad." Tony sets Morgan down and moves towards his eldest daughter, reaching out to cup her face in his hands. He smiles realizing she is in fact real and standing before him. He pulls her into a tight hug, smiling even bigger. "I missed you too." Y/n laughs.
"Where have you been? You missed the wedding and..." Tony trails off when he sees you staring at Morgan. "Come here kiddo." Morgan slowly moves towards her father who kneels to her height. "Morgan, this is y/n. That's your big sister."
"Hi Morgan." Y/n smiles, kneeling as well. It's not even 2 seconds before Morgan is tugging y/n into a hug. "Hey kid, loosen up a bit." Y/n laughs as she pries herself out of Morgan's death hold.
Tony glances over to see Steve and Nat. "Morgan, why don't you take y/n in and show mommy what you found." Morgan smiles and grabs y/n's hand, pulling her inside and towards the kitchen.
"What took so long—" Pepper turns to see y/n in the doorway with Morgan.
"Oh my God. Oh my God!" Pepper smiles pulling you into a hug. "Have a seat, want some lunch?"
"One of your amazing sandwiches? Yes please!"

Tony stands in the kitchen with y/n washing dishes.
"So what?" Tony asks as he scrubs another dish.
"Are you gonna help?"
"I— y/n I can't. I have Pepper and Morgan, and your back. That's a suicide mission."
"So was going after Hammer, and New York, and Sokovia, and Thanos. But you still came back. Now we have a chance to fix things, bring back everyone." Y/n/n freezes when she sees the photo of Tony and Peter holding the Stark internship certificate. She maneuvers around Tony, picking up the frame. "Bring Peter back." She states, handing the frame to Tony, he stares at it before glancing between y/n and the frame.
"Mind putting Morgan to bed? I got some work to do."
"Yea, sure." Y/n heads upstairs and to the white door with an M on the front. "Knock, knock. Princess Morgoona." Y/n pops her head in to see Morgan sitting at her dollhouse. "Bedtime little miss." Y/n says, lifting the little girl before twirling around and plopping onto the toddlers bed, giggling.
"Can you tell me a story?"
"And what story would the princess like?"
"Dad tells me stories about the avengers." She says in her 4-year-old voice.
"Mmmm..." y/n thinks trying to come up with a story but her mind always comes back to Peter. "Do you know who Spider-Man is?"
"You mean Peter?"  The little girl questions, laughing at your use of his superhero name.
"Yea, did you know that he's my best friend in the whole world?"
"You knew Peter?"
"Yep!" Y/n begins to tell her all about how she and Peter met. Tony walks by to check on them but freezes outside when he hears y/n's story. "I snuck out everyday to visit Peter. We'd run around the park and the city doing everything together."
Tony smiles at how much happier she sounded reliving her memories with Peter. He nods before, heading downstairs to work on the time travel project. His only goal being to bring back the person who made his daughter happy.
"Goodnight Morgan."
"I love you," Morgan calls softly, half asleep, as y/n turns out the lights.
"I love you too kiddo."
"I love you 3000." Y/n smiles before looking at Morgan in slight shock.
"3000, wow, that's a lot." She laughs. "Go to sleep, or else dad may sell your toys."
"Just so you know," y/n says as she walks past the room Pepper was in. "She's known me for less than 24 hours and she already loves me 3000. You and dad are somewhere in the 6 to 900 range." Y/n laughs.
"God, you sound like your father."
"What can I say?" Y/n laughs. "I'm heading to bed. G'night Pep."

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty."
"What time is it?" Y/n asks, sitting up.
"Early enough. Now get dressed, we're going on a trip."
"Is it in a rocketship?"
"Hahaha, get in the car." Tony jokes.
"Where we going?" Y/n asks, pulling on her shoes.
"To get your boyfriend back." Y/n/n smiles as she grabs one of the boxes, helping to load everything into the car.

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