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"I'm Richard. Richard Parker." Y/n's face paled. "Are you alright Miss.." Richard trails.
"What? Oh, right," Y/n snaps out of her thoughts. "Uhm Carter. Y/n Carter."Are you stupid y/n?! Peggy is obviously here this will never work.
"Wait... any relation to Peggy Carter?"
"Haha I wish." Y/n laughs nervously.
"Seriously? None at all? You look almost the spitting image of her, I'd think you were her daughter at first glance." Y/n giggles at his rambling, similar to what Peter does.
"Thank you." She giggles. Then glances at the papers still in her hand. "You have an interesting project here, Mr. Parker."
"I can show you a bit of it if you like?" Richard offers.
"I don't know," y/n turns to look at Hank's lab door, Steve still inside. "I was just heading out."
"I can be brief if you are short on time?"
"Sure, yea, why not." Y/n smiles as she follows Richard to the lab. Richard turns the lights on and places his papers and bag on a table. "Alright, so what do you got here?"
"Well, it's kind of a crazy thing." Richard says moving to the other side of the room.
"I've lived a life full of crazy, this'll be nothing." Richard hesitates before sliding his plans towards her and she gasps. "You're working on time travel?"
"Like I said, crazy."
"Why... wh... why would you need time travel?" Y/n questions looking between Richard and the plans.
"Haven't you ever thought what your future is like? Who you marry? What your kids look like?" Y/n keeps her focus on him as her tears well before turning away from him. The thought of Richard succeeding and seeing his son growing up without him crashed over her mind. "Is everything alright, Miss Carter?"
"Oh, yea." She responds quickly, wiping her eyes. "It's just a little cold."
"Here, take my jacket." Richard drapes his varsity jacket over y/n's shoulders.
"Thank you."
"So what do you think? Any ideas on how to pull it off?" Richard asks.
"Actually no, I've never looked into it. But I'm sure Hank Pym or Howard Stark could help you out." Y/n suggests.
"I can ask him at the meeting tomorrow. I'm sure you have to get going."
"Right! Uh, here..." Y/n moves to hand him her jacket but he stops her.
"Keep it, I rarely ever wear it as it is." Richard insists.
"Thank you, huh... it was great meeting you Mr. Parker. I hope to see you the next time I visit." Y/n smiles, holding her hand out to shake his.
"Likewise Miss Carter." Y/n smiles before exiting the lab and running into Steve. "Geeze, what took so long?" She asks, walking away from the hallway with Pym's lab.
"Avoided getting arrested for sneaking into a military base. Let's find Tony and go home." Steve says, leading the way out.
"Yea.. yea let's go." She responds softly looking back towards the lab where Richard is working,

"Did we get them all?" Bruce questions.
"You telling me this'll actually work?" Rhodey questions.
As y/n adjusts from the time jump she notices something she didn't notice before. "Clint, where's Nat?" Clint looks sadly at everyone, his silence saying everything.

Tony, Steve, Bruce, Clint, Thor, and y/n all sit on a dock close to Tony's lakeside home, morning the loss of their friend.
"Do we know if she had family?" Tony finally asks.
"Yeah. Us." Steve tells him.
"What?" Thor questions almost frustrated.
"I just asked him a question..." Tony starts but Thor quickly reacts.
"Yeah, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap, we can bring her back, isn't that right? So stop this shit. We're the Avengers, get it together." Thor demands.
"We can't get her back."Clint says softly
"Wha- what?"
"It can't be undone. It can't."
While the team talked, y/n sat at the edge of the dock, staring blankly at water before her, while her fingers blindly traced the stitching of the varsity jacket.
"Hey kid." Y/n looks up to see Tony standing above her.
"Hi." She calmly says, turning back to the water, her fingers resuming their task.
"Yea, I will be."
"What's this?" Tony asks, pointing to the jacket.
"Something that is lost now." She responds. Tony looks at her with a questioning look, catching her attention. "While we were in Jersey, I met someone I never thought I would. Granted it was hard enough knowing the future, but he gave this to me and now I understand why it couldn't be found for the last 22 years."
"Yea that doesn't clear up anything." Tony softly laughs.
"Imetpetersdad." She quickly says.
"Okay good. Now slow down a bit."
"I met Peter's dad while in Jersey." Y/n slowly tells her father.
"Oh, wow."
"And he looked just like him! The same chocolate brown eyes and a mop of brown curls messily styled back and I— god it's so hard being here without him." Y/n softly cries. "I miss him so much." She pulls her knees up, hugging them close to her chest.
"I know kiddo, I know." Tony tells her, pulling her close to hug her. "We'll get him back, I promise."

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