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Everyone stands around the newly put together gauntlet, the six stones that destroyed their lives glow bright before them.
"All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" Rocket questions.
"I'll do it." Thor says, moving forward.
"Excuse me?" Scott questions
"Hell no!" Y/n and Tony exclaim.
"No, no, no, whoa." "Stop." "Stop. Wait a sec." "Hey, hey..." Everyone overlaps as they all try to stop Thor.
"Wait, wait, wait, Thor, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet." Steve says, placing a hand in front of Thor to stop him.
"Oh, I'm sorry. What, were you just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor questions.
"Y/n... go outside..."
"What? Dad I'm apart of this too! Please let me help." Y/n pleads with her father but he stands firm. "Fine." She grabs the varsity jacket from the table and leaves towards the small quad in the center of the building. Not long after she hears the metal doors specified for Protocol 8 slam down over the windows, sealing her away from the team. She glances behind her check her suspicion of the use of Protocol 8 before turning back to the jacket in her lap, she slowly traces the small details on it, careful to not miss a single one. How is it that Richard had this jacket but it was never found after he died? Given, many of his and his wife's belongings were never found according to May, hence why Peter had so little from his parents. Had. A tear slides down y/n's cheek when she remembers that Peter was gone, and only a 10 percent chance that whatever happens behind the metal barriers behind her will actually work and bring everyone back. A 10 percent chance that she will get her boyfriend back. A small chance at what she had always hoped would be her happy ending. Suddenly her phone goes off and she looks to see MJ's face on her screen. Thinking it was a mistake and the new owner of Michelle's number dueled the wrong one, she ignored it. Except it came again, and again, and again. Finally after the third dial, Y/n answered. "Hello?"
"Oh thank god! I thought something happened to you since you wouldn't pick up your damn phone! What the hell happened?" MJ's voice comes through the speakers making y/n's heart leap at the thought of success.
"A lot and I will explain everything when I see you but I have a few things to do okay?" Y/n ends the call barely waiting for a response before she jumps up and runs into the room where the team is. "It worked!" She shouts as she runs in.
"Guys..." Bruce says pointing up with his good arm, everyone looks up and jumps into action.
"Y/n!" She glances up seeing a missile headed towards her, she quickly opens a portal and steps through with Richard's jacket in hand. She closes the portal just before the missile hits, decimating the entire compound. She drops her things and immediately heads towards the battle ground, her suit forming around her as she sees Steve, Thor, and her father walking towards Thanos. She slowly moves towards them, careful to stay out of sight, crouching behind a pile of debris when she can hear them clearly.
"I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do. I will shred this universe down to its last atom." Thanos places his helmet on his head and glances up, spotting y/n's head poking out. "Come on out little one, no need to hide." Y/n slowly moves out of her hiding space as Tony, Thor and Steve turn to see her.
"Y/n, leave." Tony warns.
"No." Tony looks shock at the pure defiance in her voice. "He took away what I loved most, I wanna return the favor, even if I die trying." Y/n says softly for her dad to hear, keeping a deadly glare on Thanos, power orbs forming around her hands.
"But with the stones you've collected for me, I will create a new universe. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given. A grateful universe."
"Born out of blood." Steve responds.
"They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them." With that Tony and Thor go straight for Thanos fighting him.
"Okay, Thor. Hit me." Thor bangs his Mjölnir and Stormbreaker together combined with his lighting. Tony's suit sucks up the energy and he shoots it out using his hands and his body. Thor grabs Stormbreaker and uses Mjölnir to hit Thanos but Thanos uses Tony as a shield resulting in damage to his system, knocking him unconscious.
"Dad!" Y/n runs over to her father. While Steve and Thor fight Thanos, y/n attempts to wake her father. "Dad, come on, wake up. Please." She shakes him while she pleads. "FRIDAY! Vitals scan, now!"
"Mr. Stark is stable Miss Stark."
"Okay, come on dad." Y/n shakes her dad until he jumps awake.
"I'm okay." Tony says as Y/n helps him up before looking over to Thanos, just in time to see Mjolnir hit Thanos and then fly back as it lands in Caps hand. "Hell yea!" Y/n shouts. Cap and Thanos fight as y/n flies over to help, she lands and uses all of her energy to create a blast towards Thanos. Y/n sends the blast but Thanos turns and reflects the energy back towards y/n launching her a couple hundred feet back.
After a few moments, she sits up, bracing her side from the impact. Suddenly, portals with gold spiralling around the edge open up, much like the one y/n saw 5 years ago before everything happened. She glances around to see the people she called family enter through the portals as well as the troops of wakanda and she smiles. Attempting to stand so she can search for the one person she missed most, she collapses down again from the pain.
"Avengers!" Y/n hears Steve shout in the distance and sees everyone running towards Thanos' army when Steve utters, "assemble."

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