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Franki kicked at a pebble as they walked, occasionally looking over at Diana with an idiotic smile on her face. She was relieved that the older girl wasn't unhappy with her.

"What's gotten into you?" Diana raised an eyebrow when she caught Franki staring at her. The smaller girl's face grew red and she giggled nervously.

"I am happy, that is all," Franki shrugged.

"You're about to be even happier," Diana smirked, tugging on Franki's hand and leading her across the street. "Cause' we're here," she turned the corner and pointed to the frozen yogurt shop. Franki's face lit up and she practically dragged Diana through the large front doors.

Franki shivered as soon as they set foot in the store. Noticing this, Diana slipped her leather jacket off and laid it across Franki's shoulders. The smaller girl looked up at her in shock.

"But this is yours, Kiwi," she said softly, trying to shrug the jacket back off her shoulders. Diana simply laughed and shook her head.

"I want you to wear it," Diana helped Franki slip her arms into the jacket, feeling butterflies in her stomach from seeing the smaller girl in her clothing.

"Banana," Franki smiled widely, spotting the banana flavored yogurt machine and grabbing a cup. Diana did the same, keeping a close eye on Franki as she dispensed a large amount of frozen yogurt into the small bowl.

"What are you getting?" Franki asked, shuffling back over to Diana with her bowl in both hands.

"I dunno," Diana shrugged and handed her cup to Franki. "Surprise me."

"Okay!" Franki hummed, switching her bowl with Diana's and slowly scanning the row of machines. For her, this was a big deal. Diana had entrusted her with this mission, and Franki was determined to pick the perfect ice cream flavor.

Her eyes landed on the picture of a strawberry above one of the machines and she smiled. She liked strawberries. Isabella had let her try a chocolate covered strawberry once, and then the smaller girl had to hide the remains from Franki because she kept begging for more.

That was it! Chocolate covered strawberry. Franki internally fist bumped herself for her amazing discovery.

First, she hopped to the chocolate machine, filling up half of the cup with strawberry flavored frozen yogurt. Then, she took a few steps to the side and topped it off with chocolate yogurt. Adorning a wide smile, she turned around and skipped back over to Diana.

"Chocolate covered strawberry," Franki chimed, handing Diana her cup and taking back her own. Diana looked down and giggled.

"You're too smart for your own good," she teased. Franki crinkled her nose, heading over to the topping bar. Diana followed and watched as Franki added a stack of banana slices to the top of her cup.

"I love bananas," Franki laughed softly and held her cup up to show Diana. "Are you getting anything?"

"Nah," Diana shook her head and nudged the other girl towards the counter. "I think what I've got is good."

"That is boring," Franki shook her head and turned back around, plucking a gummy bear from the toppings bar and placing it on top of Diana's ice cream. "Mr. Bear," she nodded once.

Before Diana could reply, Franki quickly gasped and turned to grab another gummy bear. She placed it next to Mr. Bear, and sighed in relief.

"What?" Diana laughed, raising an eyebrow.

"Mr. Bear was lonely. So I got him another Mr. Bear," Franki nodded once, pointing to the gummy bears.

"What about Mrs. Bear?" Diana asked, tilting her head to the side. Franki just giggled and shook her head.

BLUE (Frankiana Version) Where stories live. Discover now