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"It is my birthday?" Franki asked quietly from the backseat of Isabella's car. After they had calmed Franki down, the smaller girl had been ecstatic that they were going out for pizza.

Diana had explained to her that it was her birthday, but Franki still couldn't quite believe it. The brown eyed girl assumed she would automatically remember when it was her birthday. She felt out of place.

"It's March 3rd, Punky, that's your birthday," Diana laughed softly, placing her hand on Franki's knee and absentmindedly tracing circles in her jeans.

"Are you sure?" Franki tilted her head to the side.

"Yes, goofball," Diana laughed and shook her head. "Why would we be lying about that?"

"I did not remember," Franki looked down at the ground and sighed. "I did not know my birthday."

"Well now you do," Isabella spoke up from the driver's seat. "You were born on March 3rd. Which is today. Which makes today your birthday."

"Oh," Franki whispered. Diana reached out and took her girlfriend's hand, pressing a kiss to the back of her palm.

"It's no big deal," Diana said softly. "You know now, that's all that matters. Now we just get to celebrate."

"With pizza," Franki mumbled, a small smile creeping onto her face. Diana couldn't help but laugh.

"Speaking of pizza," Jorge pointed out the window as Isabella pulled into the parking lot of the brick restaurant. Franki's face lit up, and Diana had to grab her hand to stop her from hopping out of the moving car.

"Someone else is having dinner with us, too," Diana smiled, noticing Gino's black truck in the corner of the parking lot. Franki paused, giving her girlfriend a look of confusion.

"Who?" she asked. All the girls unbuckled their seatbelts and exited the car once Isabella parked. Diana pointed in the direction of Gino's truck, where Kiara was just exiting the passenger side.

"Be careful!" Diana called after Franki, who had already taken off across the parking lot. Luckily, Kiara saw her coming, and practically had to catch the girl when she wrapped her in a hug.

"It is my birthday!" Franki smiled widely when she pulled away from the hug. Diana jogged over to meet up with them, motioning for her roommates to follow.

Gino fist bumped Franki, causing both of them to make exploding noises. Diana and Kiara both made eye contact, and the smaller brunette rolled her eyes.

"Sometimes it's like raising a child," Kiara joked, causing Diana to burst into laughter.

"I know what you mean," the brown eyed girl reached out and fixed the beanie on Franki's head, just as her three roommates caught up with them.

"Uh, guys, this is Kiara and Gino," Diana turned to introduce her friends. "They're in our art class."

"And these are my roommates," she turned to Kiara and gave her a soft smile. "Calli, Isabella, and Jorge," she pointed to each girl. Franki giggled behind her.

"Calli is mean," Franki whispered to Gino, earning a playful glare from the Polynesian girl.

"I'm hungry," Jorge announced, nudging Franki in the direction of the entrance. The smaller girl laughed, running back to Diana's side so she could grab her hand and lead her into the restaurant.

They all slid into a circular booth, with Franki squished happily between Calli and Diana. She glanced down at the menu she and Diana shared, running her fingers over the small type.

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