Twenty One

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Diana woke up the following Monday with a pit of anxiety in her stomach. The past few days had been pretty rough for both of the girls. The nightmares seemed to have come back at full speed, and Franki had a tendency to try and hide them when they did. Diana could always tell, though.

So when she woke up to an empty bed, Diana sighed heavily. This had become a normal occurrence between them. She cursed herself for being such a heavy sleeper.

The dark haired girl yawned, quietly shuffling across the hallway and slowly peering into the bathroom. As always, Franki was on the floor with Wolf in her lap. Judging by the look on the smaller girl's face, she hadn't gotten much sleep that night.

Diana didn't even have to say anything. She simply sat down against the door and looked over at Franki. When the girls met eyes, Franki bit her lip and scooted closer to Diana. They both knew. There was no use in talking about it.
Diana wrapped an arm around her girlfriend and pulled her into her side. She was so tired of this. She was tired of seeing the girl she loved so much struggle to rid herself of her demons. Diana felt powerless.

She pressed a kiss to Franki's temple and sighed softly. The appointment she had scheduled the week prior was today. Which meant Franki would possibly be leaving the doctors office with a prescription that had the power to banish the nightmares.

Both girls sat in silence for a while. Wolf would look up at them occasionally, purring contently before snuggling back into Franki's lap. The brown eyed girl felt numb. If anything, the nightmares had only been getting worse. And she didn't know what she could do to stop them.

There was so much hope riding on the appointment that day. For both of them.

"Do you wanna get breakfast?" Diana asked after a few minutes of silence. Franki looked down at the kitten in her lap and nodded, cradling Wolf in her arms.

Diana gave Franki a soft smile, standing up and offering a hand to help Franki to her feet. The small girl followed Diana down the hallway, crawling to sit on the counter once they got into the kitchen.

As Diana pulled a box of cereal out of the pantry, Franki furrowed her eyebrows in thought. She spoke up when Diana set two bowls on the counter.

"If they are not real, why do they feel so real?"
Diana lifted her head and glanced at her girlfriend. She could see the conflicting emotions in Franki's face. It pained her to know how confusing it must be for her.

"Cause our brains are pretty complicated," Diana laughed softly and shook her head. She poured them both two bowls of cereal and then hopped up to join Franki on the counter. "They're good at tricking us sometimes."

"That is so stupid," Franki huffed, crinkling her nose. She didn't like the nightmares. All she wanted was to be able to sleep without being woken up in a panic. No matter what she did, they never seemed to go away.

"I know, baby," Diana sighed and rested her chin on Franki's shoulder, kissing her neck. "We just have to wait and see what the doctor tells us."
"I hope it helps," Franki shivered.

"Me too, Punky," Diana gave her girlfriend a soft smile. "But if it doesn't, we'll figure something else out. We always do."

"Yeah," Franki whispered, setting Wolf down on the counter to explore while she took a bite of her cereal. They'd only had the kitten for a week, but both girls had completely fallen in love. If they hadn't already known that he was blind, they wouldn't suspect anything. The small white kitten seemed to get along just fine without his vision.

Once they finished breakfast, Franki gently set Wolf back in the bathroom before joining Diana in the bedroom. Both girls got dressed, Franki insisting that Diana wear the yellow beanie to coordinate with her own. Of course, Diana couldn't say no.

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