Its My Birthday

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Violet POV
"Today's the day happy birthday little sis" my oldest brother Jacob says. I have three brothers Jacob who's 20 years old and my little twin brothers Lucas and Marcus who are 9. "Thanks guys" I say hugging all my brothers. Today's my 18th which means I can find my mate. How rude of my I didn't even tell you about myself. Hello! My name is Violet my parents named my that because my eyes are a bright purple. As you know since its my birthday I'm 18 years old. I'm 5'3 and kind of chubby with long black hair I don't have the most appealing body and every time some one gets a chance they point it out. The pack always laughs at me and bullies me saying I'm ugly and fat and my mate will never love me there probably right. My parents died 9 years ago in a rouge attack they were the top warriors my I was only 10 maybe and my brothers were barely 1. It's been hard but Jacob always supports and takes care of us and now he's the top warrior in our pack. In all honesty I hate this pack they've been bullying me for 10 years of my life I was close to suicide a lot of time but Jacob and my brothers always pulled me back. I get off my bed and into the shower I'm not at all excited to meet my mate. 'Don't think like that V our mate will love us' my wolf Winter says. 'I don't know but I hope so' I say in our mindlink. I get out the shower and put on a T-shirt that has 💯on it with black leggings and I tie one of my dads shirts around my waist.

I pull up my leggings and pull down my shirt so they cover my chubby stomach

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I pull up my leggings and pull down my shirt so they cover my chubby stomach. I brush my hair and grab my phone before I head downstairs. "Hey baby's" I say to my twin brothers kissing there foreheads and ruffling there already ruffled hair. "Happy birthday V" Lucas says hugging around my waist and laying his head on my stomach because he can't each up. Lucas is the sweetest kid ever while Marcus is the trouble making 'bad boy' twin but he's a sweetheart for me. "Thanks Lucas" I say hugging him back. We break away and Marcus tugs on my arm pulling me down and kisses my cheek. "Happy birthday" Marcus says and I smile if you haven't noticed I'm there favorite. Can you keep a secret? Well there my favorite too but don't tell anyone especially Jacob. "Here's breakfast your favorite" Jacob says from the table and we all rush over and sit down. "Pancakes!" I say excitedly and Jacob chuckles and puts them in front of us. We all take some pancakes and devour them until we're stuffed. "Thanks for breakfast Jacob it was amazing but we gotta go" I say and Jacob nods I give him a kiss on his cheek and me and the twin walk out our house and into my car. I drop them at there school before o drive to mine. When I get there the most amazing smell hit me hard like anyone of bricks. 'Mate. Mate. Mate go find mate' my wolf yips inside my head howling in happiness and I groan. I get out my car and sniff the air I was gonna follow it until my best friends Carson and Alex stop me. "Happy Birthday bestie" Alex says with a big smile on her face before she pulls me in a hug. "Can't breath" I say tapping he back and Carson laughs before peeling her off of my and bringing me into another bone crushing hug. "Happy birthday squishy" Carson says and I groan at the nickname. One day I asked him why he calls me that and he said because when we hugs me I'm warm and soft and squeezable like a human teddy bear. We let go and make our way in the school immediately pack members laugh at me and whisper about me. I put my head down and let out a soft whimper which Carson heard and he growls. "Don't you have anything better to do back to what you were doing" he says in beta tons and everyone stops looking and laughing. Yep you read right his in fact the beta of my pack and we've been best friends since we were little kids while I met Alex in 8th grade. I smell the scent again and look around and my eyes met his bright green ones my biggest bully the soon to be alpha of my pack. Lucifer Rossi oh god he's my mate! Lucifer is the Alpha he left for 2 years best 2 years of my life and he missed some years of high school he's 20 but he has to finish his last year. I put my head back down and continue walking. I walked into my class and sat in the dark back corner no one ever sits here or near me. "Look who is is Fatty V" Clarissa says my other bully she's the hottest and most popular girl in school and is rumored to be the future Luna of our pack. "Leave me alone please" I say in a quite voice hoping they'll go away and she and her stupid crew laugh. "Why are you planning to eat a whole chocolate cake since it's your birthday. I didn't think you could get fatter but somehow every time I see you you always do" Clarissa says and I whimper and let tears fall. "Oh look girls the baby is crying" she says grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up at her as tears fall. "You whore I bet you fuck countless men just so you can afford feed yourself since you eat like 10 men at thanksgiving" she says and her friends laugh. "Can you please go now" I say fully sobbing now and she smirks in satisfaction and walks away. It's always like this they bother me and no one ever says anything about it not even the teachers. Usually Carson or Alex help me but I don't have al my classes with them and they can't always protect me. I feel eyes on my and I hear the laughter and bad comments about me being made all around the room. I put my head down as my tears fall on my desk. I take Dads shirt from around my waist and put it on hugging it close to my body. It still smells like him which is probably crazy because it's been years. But I miss him I miss them my parents I love them so much. I cry harder thinking about it and Winter growls and retreats in the back of my mind. She doesn't like me being sad she says I'm to good of a person to be sad but I can't help it. 'Are you okay?' Jacob says in our link he always checks on me hopefully he doesn't sense my emotions in the sibling bond. 'Yeah I'm fine trying to learn here though' I say and he laughs through the link. Jacob doesn't know about the bullying well he does but he thinks it's stopped happening but it hasn't. 'Okay can you pick up Lucas and Marcus today?' He day and I smile at the mention of my younger brothers. 'Okay' I say and I close out link and block everyone off.
~Time Skip End of the day~
I was walking thothe school to the parking lot until I was yanked into a classroom and by the sparks I'm guessing it's Lucifer. I turned to see it was in fact Lucifer and I was readying myself for what was about to come. "The Moon goddess most have made a mistake no way I could be mate with someone as fat and ugly as you" he says and I keep my head down. "I, Lucifer Rossi Alpha of the Blood Moon pack, reject you Violet Smith as my mate and Luna Of the Blood Moon pack" he says and I snap. My heart clenches as my wolf howls in pain he walks out the classroom with an emotionless look on his face. I fall to the ground and cradle my body pulling my knees to my chest. It hurts it hurts really bad to the point I'm gasping for air struggling or breath. I let tears fall down my face and I feel someone trying to get into my head so I let them in. 'Remember get Lucas and Marcus I'll be home late love ya' Jacob says and he cuts the link. I pull myself up tears still falling and walk out the classroom. As I walk into the parking lot I see Carson and Lucifer talking and laughing and my wolf howls. "V wait" Carson says running over to me away from Lucifer his so called best friend. "What's wrong" he ask wiping my tears away with his thumb. "Nothing I really have to go I love you Carson see ya" I say and he hesitantly nods. "I love you too V" he says and he walks back to Lucifer. I get into my car and drive to my brothers school. I look in the mirror and see my eyes are bloodshot red and tears stain my cheeks. I walk to the front my brothers school trying to look as happy as possible but failing. My brothers run out of school with smiles on there cute faces until they see me and there smiles fade into frowns. "What's wrong?" Lucas says running to me and hugging me tightly and I smile. "Nothing baby I'm fine let's go" I say and Marcus tugs me done like he always does and kisses my cheek. We get into my car and I drive us home. I walk into my room and close the door I'm leaving this place there's nothing for me here. I'm leaving and I'm leaving tonight.

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