The Date

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Violet POV
I wake up in Lucifer's bed and it's cold. It's really late I slept all day I was supposed to train the pack. Hopefully David did it for me I'll have to ask him later. I pat the other side and I feel he isn't there which makes me frown. I look at his side and see there's a note on his pillow. I grab the note and being to read.
Hello My Dear Mate
Your probably wondering why I left the room. Well I'm setting up our date follow the clues and you'll find me the nexts clue is where it all began and where it all ended see you soon!
Love Lucifer
I put down the note and take a shower in Lucifer's bathroom. After my shower I put on a light pink dress with a jean jacket over and some black boots.

I put my hair so that some of it's up in a ponytail and some is out at the back

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I put my hair so that some of it's up in a ponytail and some is out at the back. I grab my phone and walk out his house Hmm where it all began. Does he mean our old high school? Well us being mates started there and also ended there because of the rejection I shrug and get onto my motorcycle and drive to the high school. I drive up and see Alex waiting in front so I drive to him. "Here ya go" she says handing me another note and I smile and thank him before opening the note.
My beautiful mate
I see you found this clue props to you love. Now your next clue is where you loved and lost. Your close love don't worry!
All my love Lucifer
Where I loved and lost? The training grounds my parents died there but that's where I used to love hanging out when I was younger and where I met Carson how'd he know that? I drive away pack to the pack and I see Carson standing in the training grounds so I drive over to him. "Hey V here you go" Carson says handing me the letter and I thank him before opening it and reading it.
My wonderful Luna
You found this clue I promise your almost there now go to the place you pulled Clarissas hair.
Yours Lucifer
The battle arena that's the only place I pulled her hair. I drive to the battle arena and walk in and this time I see Aria. I walk over to her and she hands me a note.
My love
Meet me at the place the moon shines the brightest on the waters don't keep me waiting to long my love
Your one and only Lucifer
Where the moon shines the brightest on the waters? Oh yeah the hill top! I remember how beautiful it looks when the sunlight hits the water I get on my motorcycle and drive up to the hill. I stop right before it because it's kind of steep. I walk the rest of the way up. When I get there I gasp at what I see. There's lights and lanterns hanging from the trees around. There's a platform holding a table with two chairs and a white cloth over the table and lights the table. It's absolutely beautiful and I think I'm gonna cry.

 "Do you like it?" I hear Lucifer ask from behind me and I turn around and hug him

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"Do you like it?" I hear Lucifer ask from behind me and I turn around and hug him. "This is one of the nicest most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me" I say and he hugs me back. "I'm glad you like" Lucifer says and he kisses my forehead before leading me to the table and pulling out my chair which I sit in and give him a small thank you and he walks over and sits in his. "What can I get you?" Lucas says with a little bow tie on and a white button up shirt and black pants with his hair slicked back. "Just say chicken Alfredo it's all we have" he whispers to me and I giggle a little and smile. "Your finest chicken Alfredo please" I say and he nods. "For you sir" he says to Lucifer. "The same" Lucifer says chuckling and Lucas nods walks away. "You didn't have to do all of this" I say looking around. "Of course I did your my mate I'd do anything for you" Lucifer says in all seriousness and I smile. Lucas walks back to the table with black stuff all other his shirt and face and his hair that was slicked back is standing up like he's been electrocuted. "So turns out Jacob, Carson and David can't cook so pizza is on its way...also the house is had a little fire but stay here because the girls are handling it" Lucas says and I smile and laugh. "Okay little waiter man" I say sticking his hair back down and he smiles and walks away. "Sorry about that should have known those 3 idiots couldn't handle it" Lucifer says and I smile. "It's fine I'm having fun" I say and he nods. "Tell me about yourself mate" Lucifer says and I think. "I'm 19 my favorite colors are purple and green. I have 3 brothers and my parents died years ago. Oh yeah and I'm a hybrid that's it your turn to share" I say and he nods gathering all the information. "I'm 21 my favorite color are red and green. I have a younger sister but she met her mate and moved packs. My parents are traveling around the world but they'll be back to meet you. That's it" he says and I nod. We continued talking about random things until Marcus comes with a pizza box and two glasses of lemonade and puts it all on the table. "Here you go enjoy Lucas is...held up at the moment so I'll help you instead" Marcus says and I nod. He walks away and I look at Lucifer who's looking at me. "What?" I ask curiously and he shakes his head. "Your smile I like your smile" he says and I shrug. "I didn't even realize I was smiling" I say taking pizza out the box and Lucifer does the same. We eat out pizza and have conversations. Me and Lucifer have more in common then I thought of course not everything but just enough . I've never smiled and laughed so much in my life I like this feeling. Lucifer gets up and holds his hand for me to take which I do. He drags me to the edge of the lake and sits down. I sit down next to him and we look at the lake that he the Moon shining on it it's absolutely beautiful. "Thus place is all yours" Lucifer says and I gasp. "Really?" I ask curiously and he nods. "No one is aloud here except you" he says and and I hug him. "Thanks" I say and he hums and hugs me back. We watch the lake and talk for about an hour before we both got tired and walk back to his room. I take off the dress and teleport to my room and put on some sweats. I teleport back into Lucifer's bathroom and put on the shirt he took off. I go into the room and lay next to Lucifer and drift off to sleep. "I love you" I think he says but I'm not sure because I already drifted to sleep.

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