I smell the scent again and look around and my eyes met his bright green ones my biggest bully the soon to be alpha of my pack. Lucifer Rossi oh god he's my mate!
"I, Lucifer Rossi Alpha of the Blood Moon pack, reject you Violet Smith as my mate...
Violet POV I wake up in the field on Flames back and I pat his back. "Good morning I'm training the pack today so let's get home and feed you" I say and I stand up and stretch. Me and Flame walk to the house my pack is staying in. I walk in casually and everyone looks at me. Me and Flame go upstairs and I open the freezes oh man. "I'm sorry bud but your gonna have to wait until it's unfrozen" I say and snarls but nods. I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower I over slept. I put on a black sweater crop top with black leggings to match.
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I put on white sneakers and put my hair into a fishtail braid. I grab my phone and the steaks and go downstairs and I see everyone having breakfast. I sit down next to David because that was the only seat left I bet they did that on purpose. "V bean?" David says but I don't look at him. "Do you think I can pop these in the microwave or something and it'll defrost" I say and Chris hums. "Probably" Diego says and Chris nods in agreement. I start eating my breakfast which is eggs and a lot of bacon. "Anyone seen Ashley?" I say and they all shake there heads. "She most have found her mate because if she was hurt we would feel it" Becca says she's been gone recently to because she found her mate. "Probably seems most of us found our mates in this pack" David says and I ignore him. I finish my breakfast fast and I walk into the kitchen and pop 4 steaks in the microwave and put the plate in the sink. The microwave beeps after a few minutes and I take out the unfrozen steaks. "Come one Flame" I say and I throw him one of the steaks and we make our way outside the house and David and Aria follow great. "V bean can we talk?" David says and I keep walking like I don't hear him. "Alright let's do the same routine from yesterday 30 laps around the territory let's go!" I yell and everyone starts running with no argument. There all still scars from yesterday oh well at least they know I'm not playing around. "Jelly bean?" David says and I turn around and see him and Aria and farther behind them I see Lucifer. I turn back around and toss Flame a steak which he catches instantly. "VIOLET!" David growls in alpha tone wow now we're doing alpha tone. "V I'm sorry" he says and I stay quite. "Violet?" Aria says and I turn around. "Yes?" I ask her and she sighs. "Talk to him" she says and I huff. "Tell David he's right I do keep secrets so I'll let him have his and leave me alone" I say and she rolls her eyes. "He's right here he can hear you" Aria says face palming herself. "Aria tell Violet that I say I don't understand why she can't trust us with her secret she's like family to all of us" David says and I sigh. "Aria tell David that I said because if everyone knew they'd be really mad especially him" I say rolling my eyes. "Aria tell Violet that even if we'll be mad she should still tell us I don't like this whole keeping secrets" David says groaning. "Aria ask David why does he want to know who it is so bad" I say getting frustrated. "Aria tell Violet I want to know because she's like a little sister to me and whoever it is deserves to die like me and the guys said" David says and I sigh. "Aria tell David that's exactly why I don't wanna tell him!" I say through clenched teeth. "Aria tell Violet,.." David starts but Aria cuts him off "Okay shut up her mate is Lucifer okay geez" Aria says and slaps her hand over her mouth as soon as it comes out. "Aria!" I shout at her and she shrugs. "Sorry" she says timidly and David looks at me. "Is it true is it him" David says pointing to Lucifer who's looking intently at us. "No" I say trying to convince him. "Okay everyone take a break!" Aria shouts and everyone clears out the area. David's eyes gloss over and Diego Caleb and Chris run out the house to us. "Is it true Veve" Caleb says growling and I shake my head. "No no no!" I shout and I drop the steaks which Flame just eats. "Is she lying?" David asks Aria in alpha tone oh no she's gonna crack. "Yes she's lying" she lets out finally remind me to never tell her anything. "He's dead" Diego says and runs towards Lucifer. "Flame go!" I say to Flame and he hops in front of Diego and roars. Diego growls and goes around but Flame jumps in front of him again and shift into a huge purple Dragon. "What the actual fuck?" I say I feel like I'm in Game of Thrones now. 'I figured it out and he shift into anything based of your emotions and the need to protect you!' Winter says that makes scene actually. "I think we all need to calm down" Aria says and we all take a breath. "Whoa buddy this is cool can you fly?" I ask and he nods and brings his huge wing down. I climb on and get on his back and he lifts into the air. We fly around the pack territory and I look down everyone looks so small from up here. It's actually really peaceful I really have to wonder though... Where did Flame come from? How can you do the things he does? Can he really shift off my emotions? Then why is he mostly a lion? I was think when out of no where something shot him and he roars in pain and shifts midair into his fox form and I grab him holding him close to my chest and form a ball and roll onto the ground to protect him and me from getting seriously hurt. "Flame!" I scream out in pain and a light consumes me. I look up and see Flame is...okay? I look around and I see a beautiful women with long white hair and a white gown. "Your the Moon goddess" I say in shock and I bow. "No my child please stop we have a few things to discuss" she says with a polite smile and I smile back.