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"Hey gu- Mark you look so good!" Aines says as she pops out of no where

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"Hey gu- Mark you look so good!" Aines says as she pops out of no where.

"Ah! Jesus Aines stop popping out of no where!" Nayeon hisses as she places a hand on her chest while her girlfriend comforts her.

"Sorry..." Aines says apologetically.

"Wow is that a fairy...cool." Minho says and everyone nods.

"Guys we are here!" Mark says as he parks the car and we all jump out of the car. Taehyung gets out last since he was sleeping the whole car ride.

"Remember to stay close." Nayeon says pointing to Minho and Mark. They both nod and Minho moves his arm over his shoulder and pulls Mark closer to him.

"Let's go babe." Minho says with a wink as Mark blushes. Everyone just begins to walk to class. Which turns out most of then had the same classes so they mostly stayed close with each other.

But during class a lot of people had their eyes on Mark, since he got a new make over. He looked sexy, when before he looked simply soft and cute.

Time Skip: (Lunch)

The fake couple did couple like things during lunch. Minho feeding Mark while Mark will give him soft kisses on Minho's cheek.

Everyone thought their relationship was cute. It was new for everyone, even those who knew it was fake affection. But there was one person who hated it.

Which was Jackson. Since he saw Mark and Minho walking in the room, hand to hand, he had been glaring at them. He was simply jealous, but didn't say anything about it.

Until when Jeongyeon bumped into Mark cussing him to lean forward and accidentally kiss Minho who great duly accepted it and kissed back since he thought it was part of the plan.

Jackson stood up in anger and was about to say something, but a small voice interrupted him.

"Minho?" A small voice calls out belonging to a cute small male.

Minho immediately broke the kiss and looked at the male shocked

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Minho immediately broke the kiss and looked at the male shocked.

"It's not wh-"

"I c-can't believe you would d-do this..." the male says as he begins to cry and then leaves in a rush.

"Babe I'm sorry!" Minho yells out as he runs after the male. Jackson just looks at Mark and scoffs.

"What a slut." Somi says as she faces Mark. Everyone in their friend group looked at her with a glare.

"Don't call my friend a slut bitch." Nayeon says in anger as she was about to jump the girl but Jeongyeon holds you back.

"Oh but he is a slut. I mean he seduced a taken man." Somi says with a smirk and this time Taehyung begins to speak.

"Girl you must be talking about yourself! Jackson you better control her before I attack her." Taehyung says in anger he was a second away from killing her. It was like a new feeling of anger he only felt once, towards another girl and which that didn't turn out well.

"Taehyung she is right, Mark is a slut and frankly I don't want to around sluts." Jackson says as he grabs a hold of his girlfriends hand.

"Come Somi lets go, I don't want to be around people like him." Jackson says in disgust as he leaves. Mark just sits there taking all the hate from the two as he stares blankly in front of him as tears roll down his cheeks.

"Mark I'm so sorry... I didn't see this coming." Nayeon says as she was about to hug Mark but instead gets pushed away from him.

"DONT GO NEAR ME! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT NOW I HAVE NO ONE!" Mark screams out and runs away. Leaving everyone in shock, and Nayeon left crying of guilt.

"I-It's all my fault. I shouldn't have put myself in their situation." Nayeon says in a sad tone.

"Babe it's not your fault. You couldn't have control this and trust me thing will get better." Jeongyeon says as she hugs her.

Taehyung POV:

As Nayeon is comforted by her girlfriend I run the direction Mark ran off to, to comfort him.

I kept running down the halls trying to find him, but there was no rights of him. I then just crouch down to regain my breath from running. Which I personally can't believe I wasn't tired after running just ten inches.

As I was about to begin to go searching again a pair of strong arms grabbed me and pulled me into a dark room. One around my waist and the other covering my mouth so I wouldn't be heard.

Even though a hand was covering my mouth I still began to scream and thrash around so the strong grip would let me go. But still no working I resorted to the last option, biting the hand.

I bit the hand as hard as I could and finally the grip loosened and I began to run but stopped as I heard the voice of the person who had me.

"Ow! Fuck that hurt badly." Jungkook hisses and I began to search for a light switch and found it immediately and turned the lights on.

"What the fuck Jungkook!" I hissed out as I faced the person I hate most in the world.

"What do you mean Taehyung? You aren't the one who was bitten." Jungkook says as he looks at his now bleeding hand.

"Well you shouldn't have kidnapped me you prick!" I said annoyed.

"Fine I'm sorry, but I didn't know how to speak to you without being seen." He says and I scoff.

"I don't care anymore, now what did you want to speak about. I don't have much time my friend needs me." I said and he nods.


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