Part 3 - Focus

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A/N: Before I load up the third part of this fanfiction, can I just say, thank you for the reads? I was ssat here just now, and I was literally watching the number of reads for part two go up. I was like, 'NOO WAY.' And then I started dancing. I'm a terrible dancer, so I only dance when it's really nessicary. I know 16&10 reads isnt alot, considering how people have like, 29847492439 reads - a bit of an extraggeration - and I only expected like, 10. And thats for every part, not just seperatly. VOTE, COMMENT, BAKE A PIE, FAN. Do whatever your pretty little hearts desire. Inbox me if you have any ideas as well, because I am so into writing at the moment!

So, before you fall asleep and drool on your keyboards/phone/whatever other electronical devices you are reading this part on, here is, The other Gilbert Girl - A Damon Salvatore love story: Part 3!

Lots of love, Megan xx

Part 3:

I woke up gasping. I was sweating heavily. There came a loud crash from downstairs. I sat up with a jolt, and grabbed my phone from my side table, unlocking it.

Downstairs, things were still rattling and crashing. In the kitchen, the stove had been turned on, and fire was openly burning, scorching the wood cabinets above it. I quickly ran to turn it off, feeling the kitchen cool down almost instantly. But now the table and chairs were banging against the marble floor.

I flicked through my contacts, and called the first person that came to mind. I pressed the call button.

“Emilia, I only met you a few hours ago, could you not call me up at one o’clock in the morning to discuss boy problems?” He answered on the first ring.

“I’m sorry Damon, but you said that if anything weird or unnatural happens to call. So I am.” I answered, grabbing a carving knife, as if it could protect me from the possessed furniture.

He suddenly turned serious. “I’m on my way, what’s wrong?”

“Things keep moving. There was a huge crash, and when I went down stairs to check it out, the stove was on, and it almost set fire to the house.” I said, shaking. This wasn't normal.

“Keep talking to me Emilia, don’t lose focus.” He instructed.

“The utensils, the kitchen utensils, they keep changing direction, and scattering themselves across the floor.” I slid down the wall, still facing the kitchen. “Damon, I’m scared. If this is some type of trick because I‘m back, please stop.”

Suddenly he was behind me, picking me up, and said in my ear, “This isn’t a trick, Emilia.”

How did he get here so fast?

“I was already out..” He said mindlessly, concentrating on the kitchen. I didn’t say anything out loud, how did he know what I was thinking?

“Get behind me, Emilia.” He said sharply, “Now!” I did as he said, and went behind his back. The kitchen started moving again, almost creating a whirlwind. Things were flying at us, but for some reason, as soon as they came too close they stopped and fell to the floor.

Then suddenly, everything stopped, and clattered to the ground, leaving the kitchen in a mess.

“What, just, happened?” I asked him between breaths.

“I don’t know.” He said, and then he raised his voice from a whisper, “I don’t know! Why don’t I know?”

I didn’t answer, just flopped down on the couch, and started to breathe again.

“Damon, I’m scared.” He suddenly turned around, and sat next to me.

“But, the real question is why did they stop?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused. Damon didn’t get to the point easily did he?

“I mean, all those knives, why did they stop before they hit us?” He asked, looking at me. Why did that always happen when he looked at me? My knees went weak, and I felt that if I didn’t get air into my lungs I would pass out.

“I- I don’t know, Damon. Maybe.. Maybe whatever was causing it to happen.. Stopped.” He seemed confused now.

“Why aren’t you scared, Emilia?” He asked, taking my hands, “Why aren’t you shrieking, and yelling. Something supernatural just happened, and your just.. Sat here, as if you're not bothered by it all.”

I laughed dryly. “Oh, Damon, I’m bothered trust me. I’m scared shitless by this, but I’ve had a year to try and learn to hide my emotions. It’s not as hard as you think.” He smiled, as if he knew.

“Look,” He took something out of his pocket. A small locket, with the ornate letter ‘S’ carved into it. He placed it into my open hand. “You have to wear this, okay? Keep it on.”

I picked it up, and looked at it slowly. “What is it?” I asked him, but as I looked up, he was gone. I didn’t think twice about it, the emergency in Damon’s eyes told me how much I needed to keep this on. I know, why take the necklace from a stranger that you only met a few hours ago. I didn’t know why, but I did.

Stumbling up the stairs proved a great difficulty when you had had an eventful evening. I decided to call Damon tomorrow, meet up somewhere, and talk about what had exactly happened tonight. By the time I had made it up the stairs, and into my bedroom, I fell asleep instantly.

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