Part 5 - Tampered Memories

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A/N: I am so so sorry this took so long. I'm taking my GCSE'S two years early, and so all this coursework really catches up with a fourteen year old. So; once again I'm sorry and I honestly hope you ejoy this chapter!! - Megan xoxo

Part Five:

The next morning I woke up with a certain haze clouding over my mind. I could only slightly remember what had happened that last, which I found was a little weird, because usually I had a very good memory.

I stood up, out of my bed, and decided to get dressed. Pulling on a pair of plain black jeans; and a purple vest, leaving my hair as it was. Brushing my teeth, I tried to recall exactly what happened yesterday evening, but, as soon as I thought I was close to something intriguing; it just .. vanished. Completely and utterly vanished. And that annoyed me - a lot.

There was something different about that Damon Salvatore as well. I couldn't think for the life of me what exactly was different; but there was something there that wasn't ... normal... human. But that was impossible, right? Definitely impossible.

There was a commotion from the kitchen - directly below my bathroom. It caused a sense of daja vu as I walked down the stairs into the kitchen cautiously. But when I realised the voices belonged to Aunt Jenna and Elena, I smiled, and continued to walk down the stairs with a bounce in my step.

"What do you mean; it won't be ready in time?" Elena asked Jenna calmly, whilst Aunt Jenna looked slightly flustered.

"I mean, Elena, that your dress won't be ready in time." I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, and leaned against the counter; waiting for them to realise I was here, silently eating.

Finally, I sighed, scaring them both. "What dress?" I asked, taking another bite of the apple. Elena smiled, explaining to me about the Mystic Falls Ball, and how the dress she had ordered got lost in shipping. Then suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she gasped.

"Oh, my gosh! Why didn't I think of this before? Emilia, you can come with me to get a new dress! Shopping trip!" I glared at her, letting her remember that I hated 'shopping trips.' "Please? I want to spend some time with you! And, you could get yourself a dress, and come as well!"

"To the ball?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "Urhm, no thanks, Elena. I have two left feet remember?"

"Come on, it'll be fun. I mean, Stefan's going, and Bonnie and Matt - oh, and Damon." The thought of the eldest Salvatore in a tuxedo made me cringe.. in satisfaction.

Before I knew it, I was being dragged out the front door, and into Elena's car, ready for the dress hunting experiance. God help me.

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