Don't Fuck With Me.

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MONTHS HAD GONE by, and snow began to grace the concrete. It was now winter.

Izuku had dutifully avoided Bakugou, only speaking to him when it was absolutely necessary.

Katsuki wondered how long Izuku would continue to mess with him. At the same time, he wondered if Midoriya was even trying to mess with him. The relationship he had with Todoroki seemed so genuine and organic, and that somehow made everything more painful.

The couple was practically joined at the hip, and it was something that everybody took notice of. Every single day after school, they snuck away to Todoroki's room, or to the local cafe nearby.

They had way too much chemistry.

Bakugou also noticed how much happier Midoriya genuinely looked, and he was starting to give up. After all, he'd caused his own mate too much pain for so many years, and the omega finally seemed to be content.

Who was he to try to ruin that?

The halls were bustling with students as everyone tried to make it to first period on time. The blonde sighed and slammed his locker shut.

Bakugou was unusually alone today. Usually he'd be annoyed out of his mind, courtesy of Mina, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima.

He readjusted his scarf and scowled. He absolutely hated winter. It was the natural enemy of his quirk, and by extension his body.

As the bell for first period rang, students were now rushing at lightening speed. The hall was quickly emptied.

Katsuki spotted a easily recognizable head of green curly hair. He scoffed.

Fuck it, who cares if he's happy? How can he be so happy without me?! This bullshit has been going on for way too fucking long.

"Deku!" Bakugou shouted. Not many students responded; it was common to see these two arguing. But this was different.

The greenette froze, and turned around slowly.

"Katsuki." Izuku's eyes were cold and unforgiving. Bakugou frowned; the tone caught him entirely off guard.


"Don't talk to me. And don't make a scene, especially in public," Izuku harshly whispered before turning around to see if anyone was lurking nearby.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me? You know how I feel about you, you asshole, and you still dated that half and half cunt," Katsuki barked and clenched his fists.

"Oh, please. I had no clue you didn't completely hate me for years until some months back. You're pathetic at communication, you know that? I thought dating Kirishima would groom you a little." The omega sighed.

"I'm dating Todoroki because I actually like him. The world doesn't revolve around you. Now, leave me alone," Deku hissed and tried to pull his arm from Katsuki's grip. He failed.

"Deku, please. I-I've made myself so fucking vulnerable. Don't shut me down," Katsuki's voice cracked. "Don't make me feel so stupid."

"Oh? You always said I was entitled, but look at you. You think if you put on a little show I'll magically forgive you? I see. I'm still a joke to you." Midoriya's face was uncharacteristically blank.

Bakugou wanted him to feel something. Anything. Deku always felt something, and even if he was absolutely pissed with Bakugou, it was tons better than a blank stare, and an indifferent disposition. This version of his fiance made him uneasy.

"Stop the bullshit already, Deku. You're making this harder than it needs to be."

Izuku sneered.

"Will you give it a rest? No one hates you more than I do."


Bakugou's face dropped. "You don't mean that."

"Did you really think I was gonna chase you forever? I've done it for over ten years, Katsuki. Fuck off," Izuku's tone was harsh; it burned Bakugou in a way he didn't think was possible.

Deku yanked his arm away and turned to leave.

And so, the greenette had caught sight of Todoroki, his mood switching instantly. He clung onto the other boy's arm, and Bakugou didn't miss the small smile on Shouto's face.

You've got to be fucking kidding.


"Hi Shoto," Izuku meekly smiled, running his thumb over his boyfriend's neck. Over the several months that had passed, he had grown much more comfortable around the ice user, and was even able to show small displays of public affection.

Shoto casually slipped his arm around the shorter boy's waist as they headed to class. He only hummed in reply, but a small smile was stuck to his features.

As they entered the classroom, Izuku noticed a familiar yellow sleeping bag wasn't there. "I guess Mr. Aizawa isn't here yet," He said and turned to Shoto. "In that case, Todoroki, I can tell you that we need to talk later."

"After school, right? We can head to my room." Todoroki didn't bother questioning what Izuku wanted to talk about. He had a good guess.

"Hey lovebirds!" Uraraka called from her seat. Izuku reddened a little; his shyness would never fully leave him. The duo headed over to their group of friends.

"Deku," Uraraka leaned in to her friend closely. "Isn't it gonna be your eighth month anniversary? What do you plan on doing?"

Izuku nervously chuckled. "You've been counting the months?"

Uraraka peered over at Todoroki, who was engaged in a conversation with Tsuyu and Iida.

"Well, duh! What kind of best friend would I be?" She smiled slyly. Midoriya shook his head.

"Anyway, answer me. Don't tell me you have nothing planned! In that case, I'll help you guys-"

"'Chako, I've been thinking. It's about time I end it now," Izuku quietly said, careful to not allow his other classmates to hear. Ochako's eyelids lowered. "Oh."

Izuku giggled a little. "You don't sound too excited."

Uraraka scratched the back of her neck awkwardly. "No! I respect your decision... It's just..."

Midoryia placed a hand over his friend's. "C'mon, be honest with me."

"I just... I think it's a shame, you know? I really did like you two together. I've never seen you so happy," she muttered, furrowing her brows. "Are you sure Bakugou is worth leaving Todoroki over?"

"I honestly don't know. I've been thinking about that too. Todoroki knows what he's gotten himself into but he loves me enough to not care about that. I'm risking a lot of my comfort here, huh?" Izuku scowled at the floor below him, trying to not get emotional.

Uraraka felt her heart twist for her friend. She decided to not push it further. After all, Izuku and Katsuki had too much history to just ignore. He was his fiance, for crying out loud.

Bakugou entered the classroom, uncharacteristically quiet. The eyes of five particular students followed him closely.

Katsuki sat down in his seat and layed his head on the desk, turning it towards the window. The words the greenette said stung, alot. His eyes felt a little damp.

Of course, Izuku (who was now in his assigned seat behind Bakugou) saw the way the blond's eyes blinked rapidly- successfully pushing back any trace of tears.

Midoryia blinked. I need to see him cry before I'm ready to forgive him. That's what he deserves for fucking with me.

Ochako eyed her friend. Deku, what did you say to him?

Aizawa entered the room, silencing the thoughts of his students.

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