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junestans has followed you!

"guys look, june's fan account followed me." yunhyeong showed to jinhwan who's sitting next to him.

"uh, followed me too." bobby sat up as he showed his phone to others.

"seems like that account followed only us." hanbin said and got a judging stares from chanwoo.

"what?" he asked.

"of course its only us, it's literally 7 following." chanwoo clicked his tongue.

"yah you better respect me! i'm older!" hanbin get up from his chair but luckily donghyuk hold onto him before he go and break chanwoo's jaw.

chanwoo chuckled when he saw hanbin lost tempered because of his words. he love to make his hyungs mad.

"you better be careful next time you brat!" hanbin warned but all chanwoo could do is laugh.

"wow i actually have fans in here" junhoe said uninterested and put his phone down.

he doesn't really care about those things.

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