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"let's get bbangdaeng a new necklace!" and there she is taking pictures of every animals in the pet shop :') oh and we're in here almost an hour and she didn't buy any necklace yet ㅋㅋㅋ
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chan_w000 wah hyung you wrote a paragraph caption
bobbyindaeyo i'm impressed
gnani___ guys he can wait an hour for her but still nagging
sssong_yh he just can't let his noisy mouth shut ㅋㅋㅋㅋ gnani___
juneeeeeeya i can't nag in front of her, so i nag here. at least it's less tense ㅋㅋㅋㅋ gnani___ sssong_yh
sssong_yh i'm not gonna involve myself in your relationship but please be mad at him. he's annoyed with you!!
gnani___ ^ lmao why is this funny
bobbyindaeyo dude look shxxbi131
shxxbi131 stop tagging me! bobbyindaeyo
chan_w000 you lost your friend already hyung shxxbi131
_dong_ii he said no one buy him breakfast anymore he said chan_w000
juneeeeeeya how dare you make my gf as your slave shxxbi131
shxxbi131 omg shut up _dong_ii
shxxbi131 its a friend thing! now you're his slave ㅋㅋㅋ juneeeeeeya
mina.hong13 just once dude and she bought mine too! shxxbi131 i bought you once and you didn't even pay me back and i'm not your slave or we aren't even that close dude shxxbi131
gnani___ omg ara is talking back now!!
sssong_yh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ my poor hanbin
chan_w000 told you hyung, ara noona is dangerous shxxbi131
_dong_ii burnnnn ara lmao
bobbyindaeyo pls notice hanbin, he likes you before june!! hahaha but i like june? bobbyindaeyo
_dong_ii is a fact but june is lucky to have you! like everyone want you and us too
juneeeeeeya excuse me?

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