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she asked for my cap to take a selfie gosh
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pyodongpyo she is cute
mina.hong13 its been awhile since she straightened her hair feeling the vibe today mina.hong13
y_haa.n believe me she's trying to impress her boyfriend nothing much
juneeeeeeya she's cute but i love her messy hair moreeee
hangyeol.99 dude she rocking every hairstyles
chan_w000 noona, actually that cap is mine
sssong_yh why cant you just let them be happy omg seriously kid chan_w000
gnani___ omg jung chanu
juneeeeeeya its mine, i already put yours in your room chan_w000
_dong_ii chanu u alright?
chan_w000 i get it, i should just shut my mouth
bobbyindaeyo chanu should be glad bcs june is not near him why why why bobbyindaeyo
bobbyindaeyo june will go show him his cap on his face and keep on nagging while cursing at him lmao lmao typical june bobbyindaeyo
juneeeeeeya babe stoppo

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