Chapter five

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Calum hands his keys to a valet, resting a hand on Ashton's lower back as he leads the younger boy into the restaurant. Ashton immediately gulps, never having been in a restaurant anything like this.
"Relax darling." Calum mumbles into his ear, striding to a table on his accord as if he owns the place. Ashton wouldn't be surprised if he did.
"I feel underdressed." Ashton says even quieter.
"It's okay, no one's judging you when you're with me. Promise." Calum replies, pulling out Ashton's chair for him when they reach the table.

"Any drinks to start with, Mr Hood and company?" A waitress asks, approaching the table with a friendly smile.
"This is Ashton Irwin." Ashton blushes at the introduction as the waitress smiles and offers a handshake. "Do you drink Ashton?"
"I- uh-" Ashton stumbles, not sure what is appropriate considering he's only been legal for a day.
"You can be honest, I went to high school." Calum chuckles.
"Oh." Ashton blushes again. "A bit? I'm not too fussy, whatever you want."
"We'll have two virgin mojitos." Calum says, pursing his lips while staring at Ashton. Ashton shrinks under his dominants gaze.
"Of course Mr Hood."

As soon as the waitress is gone from the table, Calum lean's across and picks up one of Ashton's hands.
"I want you to know you are equal to me."
"I know how relationships work. I know what a dominant does and what a submissive does. Unless I state otherwise, which I haven't, we are equals. You don't always have to choose things you think will make me happy. What will make me happy is you having your own soul that is flourishing. Is that clear?"
"Yes." Ashton gulps.
"Good, I ordered the virgin mojitos because I'm driving and they in fact taste better than the alcoholic ones. Now, open your menu and choose yourself some dinner. Please do not worry about the prices of anything."

The younger boy nervously opens his menu and despite what Calum tells him, immediately freaks out about the prices. The entreé's are well over $20 each and the mains are double that. Ashton couldn't possibly impose this on Calum. He knows Calum is paying and he won't be able to stop that but he's certainly going to order the cheapest thing on the menu.

"Have you decided?" Calum asks after a few moments pass.
"The vegetarian pasta looks nice." Ashton squeaks.
"And for an entreé?"
"I'm not that hungry, don't need one." Ashton mumbles.
"I told you not to worry about the prices."
"I'm sorry." Ashton apologises, looking on the verge of tears.
"It's okay darling," Ashton would be lying if he said his heart didn't swell at the term of endearment. "How about we close the menu for now and just talk for a little bit?" Calum suggests, hoping that if Ashton learns how filthy rich he is then he might stop freaking out over the price of one dinner. Ashton just nods and slowly shuts his menu.

The waitress comes back with their drinks and momentarily pauses after placing them down.
"We'll just start with some bread." Calum supplies, causing her to nod curtly and walk away. "Now. I feel like I know lots about you but you know nothing about me, ask me anything."
"Oh. What is your job?" Ashton asks quietly.
"That's a great question." Calum beams, causing Ashton to relax a little. "I'm the CEO and owner of Hood Motors." Calum's comment and relaxed attitude send Ashton over the edge, spluttering in shock. This was not what he was expecting.
"You're that Calum Hood." Ashton squeaks quietly.
"Yes." Calum chuckles. "My day varies as I am allowed a fair amount of flexibility but generally I work from around 7am to 5 or 6pm, sometimes later. I spend my days mostly analysing data and approving decisions made by my teams, giving my input where it seems appropriate."
"Oh." Ashton says slowly, trying to process the information. "Then yesterday... when you visited me..."
"As I said, I do have flexibility. I knew from the moment the DFD called me that I would drop everything. First and foremost I am your dominant, everything else is secondary." Calum explains. Ashton blushes at the sentiment.

"Now. I'm more than happy to discuss my finances with you, as in the future all our finances will be shared, however I don't think this is the place for that. Can you please understand that I am more than capable of paying for anything you might want to order? Choose for dinner what you would like to eat the most." Ashton nods wordlessly at Calum's request.

The waitress comes back and Ashton eventually orders, still not game enough to get anything priced at the top of the menu. They continue talking, about Ashton's school and Calum's work, mostly, throughout the meal. Eventually things wrap up and Calum resolutely does not let Ashton see the bill.

There's a lull in conversation during the car ride back to Ashton's house and the younger boy nervously asks the question that's been plaguing his mind.
"Do you want me to move in with you?" The blonde's voice is shaky and quiet as he speaks.
"Well you're still in school for the next few months and I live over an hour from your school so it doesn't make a lot of sense whilst you're still there." Calum hums thoughtfully, his hands resting easily on the steering wheel. His eyes occasionally glance toward Ashton's. "How about you just stay over one night on the weekends to start?"
"Okay." Ashton replies meekly.
"Darling," Calum starts, making Ashton blush, "you don't have to agree with everything I say. I want you to have a voice. Speak to me. Communicate. Tell me, what night on the weekends would you prefer to come over?"
"Your idea sounds good. Friday? Then I still have a full day at home to do things before school." Ashton suggests, trying his hardest to embrace Calum's encouragement.
"Wonderful. I'll pick you up from school on a Friday and then drop you home sometime Saturday."

They car rolls to a stop outside Ashton's house and Calum leaves with nothing more than a suave kiss on the cheek, waiting to make sure Ashton makes it inside safely before he pulls away from the curb.

A/N: hiiiiiiiii this is a little late technically but I hope you can forgive me, the story is about to start picking up I promise. Love you all, thanks for the support it means so much.

-Grace Williams xo

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