Chapter fifty four

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"I didn't wanna ask you about it last night, wanted to give you space to think, but do you feel better after talking to Carla?" Calum asks as they drive to the office the following morning.
"Much, it was very helpful. And we exchanged numbers afterwards so that I can text her." Ashton nods.
"That's great sweetheart, I'm very happy to hear it." Calum smiles softly, making his sub blush at the attention and compliments.

The rest of the day is a breeze, Calum and Ashton both having a very productive office day. Ashton's motivation to work is getting it done so that he can have more freedom with his modelling in the future. He's got a good feeling about tomorrow and he thinks that this could really work. It's something else he never expected from his life but it's certainly growing on him.

Ashton is so focused on his work that come 5 o'clock, Calum has to walk down to the end of the corridor and pull his head from his books.
"It's time to go Sweets, you've worked enough today." Calum sighs.
"Oh. I didn't realise it was so late already." Ashton mumbles.
"Come on. I'm very proud of you for being so productive but that's enough. I don't want you to burnout." Calum says firmly.
"Okay, I won't." The younger giggles, quickly packing up his books and collecting what he needs to take home with him tonight. The biggest advantage of this school arrangement for him is that he can get so much done during the day that homework isn't necessary.

Calum and Ashton go home content and happily coexist in their domestic routine for the rest of the evening. They cook together, eating just before 7pm, then sit on the couch for a little before going into bed earlier than most. Ending the day wrapped in each other as they stare out at the view of the harbour, sometimes talking and sometimes deep in thought, is their favourite part of the day. They sleep at 9:30, ready to start again tomorrow at 6:30am.

"Good morning." Ashton grins sloppily when the alarm blares nine hour later.
"You're very alert and happy this morning." Calum points out, because Ashton being the first one to talk in the morning was very uncharacteristic of him.
"I'm excited for today. I only have half a day of school, then we go to the modelling, then we're going out." Ashton sighs happily.
"I'm so glad you're excited and happy." Calum hums, leaning in for a good morning kiss straight after. Ashton blushes and rolls out of bed, letting Calum follow him downstairs into the kitchen.

They eat their porridge, a food that's growing on Ashton as the day's pass, in comfortable silence. Their minds are active as they fit around each other seamlessly and get through the morning's mundane tasks. As Calum drives into the city just after 7am he and Ashton's hands instinctively intertwine on the middle console. Each other's presence and slight touch is enough of a reassurance that they're there.

"Hi kids, no time to lose with your early finish." Maggie chirps when Calum and Ashton step out of the elevator at the top floor.
"I'll see you in a few hours sweetheart, love you." Calum kisses Ashton on the lips and sends him down the hall to his office.
Ashton calls a, "love you too," over his shoulder as he walks off.

"Why so pushy?" Calum frowns as he walks into his office.
"I think you'd prefer I didn't go into the specifics of exactly how many hours of work you've lost recently." Maggie purses her lips.
"Oh. Well-"
"Don't worry Cal," Maggie brushes off with a smile. "I love having Ashton around, I love how perfect you are for each other. You make him the perfect submissive and he makes you the perfect dominate, I feel blessed to witness it. However," she raises her voice her again just to make sure her boss is listening. "I also love this company and how much it thrives. Fortunately, you're so fantastic at your job that despite your significantly reduced hours as of late, we're barely behind at all. I'm just worried something will happen to change that, for worse, at some point."

"Thank you Mags. You really are the best assistant ever. I have no idea what I would do without you." Calum smiles genuinely.
"Now now," Maggie tsks, "What has Carla told you about feeding my ego?"
"That it's already healthy enough." Calum playfully rolls his eyes.
"Precisely." Maggie grins. "Now work."

Maggie walks out of Calum's office and leaves him to work, always having a lot to do herself. Ashton passes by to go get his morning coffee and then settles in, working just as productively. The morning goes fast but as soon as it's 12pm on the dot Ashton is bouncing out of his office and back down the hallway towards Calum and Maggie.

"Woah, you're high speed." Maggie laughs.
"I'm just- I'm excited." Ashton blushes as his feet stop moving.
"So it's grown on you then?"
"Yeah. I'm excited to do something different, meet new people." The younger shrugs.
"You're getting cabin fever here aren't you?" She raises an eyebrow.
"No." Ashton quickly shakes his head. "I just-"
"You're allowed to say yes." Calum interjects, leaning on the door frame and staring fondly at his excited submissive.
"I've never had an opportunity anything like this, want to make the most of it."

"That's really sweet." Maggie smiles.
"It's one more reason I'm so so proud of you." Calum beams, wrapping his arms around Ashton's middle and planting an exaggerated kiss on the younger's lips. Ashton giggles infectiously, the laugh reaching his eyes, as they pull back.
"Sickening." Maggie shudders. "What have I said about me not having time to feel insecure about my own relationship?"
"You're telling me I'm not allowed to tell my sub I'm proud of him?" Calum challenges.
"No, just get out of my sight." Maggie shoos them towards the elevator so they can make it to Ashton's shoot on time.

A/N: I'm still sick, thank you for the lovely messages of support, but updating for you and hearing from y'all always makes me feel so much better. I'm so excited for where this story is at right now and where it's going. See you on Saturday :)

-Grace Williams xo

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