Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm really a fan of KotoUmi so I kinda feel like writing this. I'm really sorry for the bad/wrong grammars! I'm not good with english & making a story. I'm really sorry! T^T


'I don't know when did this feeling of mine started. I don't know if this is love or just a feeling of admiration. If this is love how can I stop loving you? How can I stop this forbidden love I'm feeling?' these are the words that she's thinking while she's glancing at the blue-haired girl in front of her

"Minami-san... Kotori Minami-san!" their teacher called her for the nth time

"Yes!" she snapped from her own world and she immediately stand up

"Are you ok?" their teacher ask her worriedly

"Y-yes! I'm ok... I'm sorry!" she said and gave their teacher an apologetic bow then smiles at her

"Ok. So, Honoka Kousaka-san you're sleeping again in my class" she then turns to the seatmate of Kotori which is Honoka Kousaka, one of her childhood friend, who is comfortably sleeping on her own desk and she gave Honoka a head chop

"M-mimori-sensei! G-gomenasai!" the ginger-haired girl stand up, bows her head and apologized while the whole class looks & laughs at her

after a while the bells rings

"Ok that's all for today! Make sure to sleep early so that you won't sleep during my class. Understood!" she then dismissed her class and looks at the ginger-haired girl for emphasis

"Haaaay... Finally! Its over! I really hate english! Why do we need to study english we're japanese you know? It's boring" Honoka stretches while complains about the lesson

"You're just asleep during the entire class you know. You should at least listen for once. It's for your own sake." the blue-haired girl named Umi Sonoda, another childhood friend of Kotori & Honoka, said as she lectured the ginger-haired girl in front of her

"E-eh! But--" but before the ginger-haired girl even defend herself the blue-haired girl cuts her sentence

"No buts!" the blue-haired girl said with emphasis

"Kotori-chan! Ne? Help me! Umi-chan's being a meanie again" the ginger-haired girl went to the direction of the grayish brown-haired girl, who is not listening to the argument of the other two, to seek some help and get away from the blue-haired girl

"Kotori-chan?" she called her again

"Huh? What is it Honoka-chan?" she then ask the ginger-haired girl for she is not listening to them

"Umi-chan's being a meanie again" the ginger-haired girl pouts

"Maa...maa... You need to stop it you two. Umi-chan we know that we can't force Honoka-chan to do what she don't want to do. So, let's leave it like that" she gave the two of them a faint smile

"As expected of Kotori-chan!" she said happily while hugging the grayish brown-haired girl

"If you say so Kotori." the blue-haired girl said while returning to her seat

And that ends their argument. It always ended like that. The blue-haired girl always lectures the ginger-haired girl then she seeks help from the grayish brown-haired girl. When the said girl starts to talk the two stops immediately. The grayish brown-haired girl always sided with the ginger-haired girl even though the blue-haired girl has a point.

'I'm sorry Umi-chan. I am really indecisive. If only this feelings didn't exist maybe I can think properly. I want to side with you sometimes but I'm afraid... because of this feelings. Somebody help me!' because of her indecisiveness & the hidden feelings she feel for the blue-haired girl she thinks that if she sided with the blue-haired girl she will become unfair.

"Umi-chan, Kotori-chan let's go~ we have practice today, right?" she drags the two to the rooftop

"You're late!" the red-haired girl named Maki Nishikino said as the three of them opens the door

"G-gomen ne Maki-chan" the ginger-haired girl apologizes

"Where's Eli & Nozomi?" asks Umi

"They said that something came up so they will be late nyaaa~" said the cat-like girl named Rin Hoshizora

(After 5 minutes...)

"Sorry we're late minna-san~" said the purple-haired girl named Nozomi Tojo as she opens the door

"Should we start the practice?" ask the blond who is their student council president named Eli Ayase

"Hai!" they answered in unison

"1...2...3...4...5... " the blue-haired girl counts

"Honoka you're slow!" the blue-haired girl said to the ginger-haired girl

"Hai!" she responds

"Nico you always forget that step" she then said to the raven-haired girl named Nico Yazawa

"Wakateru yo!" the raven-haired girl reponds

"Rin, Hanayo you're fast" she comments on the cat-like girl's movements

"Hai!" the cat-like girl answer energetically

"Kotori you're doing good. Keep that pace up!" she said to the grayish brown-haired girl

"Hai!" she answers while blushing

"Ok! Guys let's take a break first" the blue-haired girl said

The ginger-haired girl noticed that the grayish brown-haired girl's face's flush so she went to check on her

"Kotori-chan!" she called to her

"Hmmm... What is it Honoka-chan?" asks the grayish brown-haired girl

"Are you ok? Your face is kinda red" the ginger-haired asks her worriedly

"A-ah! Y-yes I'm ok Honoka-chan!" she said nervously

"O-ok! You sure? she questions her again

"Y-yes I am!" she answers and smiled at her

'Mou! What's wrong with me? I'm blushing because of Umi-chan's complement earlier. I need to pull myself together'

"Ok guys! Let's get back to practice!" the blue-haired girl said as she gives the signal to resume their practice.


Oh yeah! This ends the first chapter. I hope you enjoy reading this fluff. See you next chapter~

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