Chapter Six

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I sit up, confused. This isn't the hospital. I jump in surprise when a familiar person walks up. He holds clothes out to me, it's Masky. I look down at myself, I am draped in a shower curtain.

My eyes widen and I punch the chuckling Masky. He goes flying into the wall. My eyes widen. I quickly stand up, running over to him. I am by his side in milliseconds.

A little disoriented, I check Masky for wounds. He seems fine. He looks up at me.

"Uh, that was not intended to hurt me, right?" He asks. I laugh.

"Sorry." I apologize.


"Jeff has a daddy kink!" BEN yells. Jeff chases him. I look over at Masky. I tug on his jacket. He sets down his fork, looking at me.

"Yes?" He asks.

"What's a kink?" I ask. Hoodie chokes on his sandwich.

"It is a person's.. sexual tastes." Masky explains, a pink tinting his cheeks.

"I don't understand." I explain. Masky takes a deep breath.

"It's normally something unusual. For example, some people like to feel pain. So, whips and handcuffs are used. Or, the 'daddy' kink as it is called. Normally, the submissive character calls the dominant character 'daddy'." Masky explains. I blink twice.

"Okay. I think I understand." I explain. Masky sighs, glad for the change in topic. "Why are you so insecure?"

"What?" He asks.

"Everyone in this house has one insecurity." I explain.

"Elaborate." He orders. I look around.

"You are insecure about your weight because everyone makes fun of how much cheesecake you eat. Hoodie is insecure about his ideas being ignored, which is why he is quiet most of the time. Jeff is insecure about- mmph- mphmumf!!"

Jeff clasps his hands around my mouth.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone..." He whispers darkly. I sigh, pulling his hands away.

"Sorry, I got carried away..." I mutter. I stand up, walking back to my room.


Angels are pure humans that are sent to the heavens after death.

Demons are evil, dark humans that are sent to hell after death.

Fallen Angels are humans that were sent to the heaven but cast to hell because they commited a sin.

Rising Devils are humans that were sent to Hell but commited too many acts of virtue hence being risen to heaven.

Archangels are fallen angels that were given knight titles by God and therefore are to fight alongside pure angels.

Nephiliums are mostly Risen Devils that were recruited to soldiers of God. Most turned bloodthirsty and attacked earth.

Although... a handful of Nephiliums are the spawns of the fallen Archangels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael,  Uriel, Selaphiel, Raguel, Barachiel). These Nephiliums are said to be-

The rest of the page is ripped out. I groan in fustration, slamming the book on the the ground. EJ looks up at me.

I grit my teeth, storming out of the library. I quickly storm into Slender's office.

"Where is the rest of the page?!" I yell. He looks at me confused.

What do you mean?

"The book in the library on angels and demons... The part on Nephiliums is torn out?!!" I yell in anger. I run my hands through my hair.

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