February 12th

44 3 0

  Dear Nobody,

         Do you ever have the feeling like you're different? Well obviously everyone's different, but I mean like really different. My whole life has felt like that, because I am. That sounds conceded but it's true. I was born different.

        Form the very moment I opened my eyes, everyone knew it. Unfortunately I was born in a time where anything that different is forbidden. People shook when I walked by, babies cried, mothers covered their childrens' eyes, to sheild them from the contagous difference.

        I was allowed to stay with my family until I was 5 years old. When most little girls were starting school, I was sent to a boarding school. Not one of your typical boarding schools, though. This was only for the Diffs (That's what the Norms call us). I'm going to skip all of the mushy stuff where my parents cried, and my older brother tried not to. 

        I started Stones and Arrows at the youngest age possible, they couldn't wait to get rid of me. I skipped grades 7 and 10. I guess you could say I strode to be the best I could so that people would accept me. By my senior year, I had learned to hide the things that made me different. I got contacts to hide my white eyes. Yes, you arent seeing things, I have white iris'. I had to wear baggy clothes to hide my...... ah, you thought i was going to tell you, didn't you? Well I'm not. You'll have to read more to find out.

        Anyways, I'm six months into senior year at Stones and Arrows. In less than three months, I'll be released into the streets of Europe. Not everybody there hates the Diffs, a lot of them actually like what makes us different. Headmaster Rose told me that she's already arranged me to have a job so that I can live on my own.

        Well, I've got to go. Third period Chemisrty. 

                                                        Yours, truely

                                                                    ~ Marilyn.

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