Friend. Chapter 2.

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Pidge woke up on a cold hard ground. Her eyes slowly opened and fear took over her body. The room was pitch black and small. Pidge felt around the walls to find the door but even that trapped out light. Pidge started to freak out, she was left in a dark place again. She was alone once again and she was scared. She called green over and over but her voice just echo the room. She didnt want to be taken away again, she didnt want to be trapped in a cold dark room. Pidge let tears fall as she bang on the wall hoping someone would come.

She soon felt fur brush her leg making her jump. She called green once more but no answer, she heard paws taps around her as the animal walked around. She froze when she saw the glowing eyes in the middle of all the darkness. It kept getting closer to her and stopped as she felt it lick her injured leg over the bandage. She no longer felt scared or trapped thanks to this animal. She turned its fur once more to see how soft it was. She felt calmer and safe but she knew this animal touch wasn't like green. Green made her feel like she had someone to belong, she made her feel safe and not alone. 

"green" Pidge whisper as tears left her eyes again and soon she found herself in a new room. A bedroom that looks like someone only sleeps on the bed and never made a home out of it. She looked to her hand that touched a blue space wolf head. She noticed another person standing in the corner just staring at her. 

It was the guy from before but he seemed different. He didnt have galra ears or purple skin. He had white skin and looked a little human like her. She stared at him a little longer before she noticed he was staring back. She looked away and wipe her eyes trying to not seem like a weak little girl in front of an enemy. She looked around the room without saying a word and notice the red lion sleeping in a corner but what made her hold her breath was the sleeping green lion by the door. 

"green" Pidge whisper with joy and a smile rushed to her face and she ran over to the lion and hugged her.

"my child, no need to fear I'm am fine" the lion said with a soft voice.

"I was so scared when I woke up alone, I thought I lost you" Pidge said hugging the lion tighter.

"I'm right here, so please calm yourself my child" the green lion said gentle and Pidge pulled away. 

"why didnt you answer when I called" Pidge asked.

"they placed you in a room that couldn't hear or even smell you, the red lion told me you would be safe and I had to wait here for you" green said with a kind voice and Pidge nodded.

"I was worried, I woke up in a room without any light and I thought I trapped again .. I was so scared I was alone" Pidge said as tears started to form and the green lion licked her cheek.

"you will never be alone, even if you cant see me I will always be in your heart" the green lion said proudly and Pidge wipe the tears before standing up but slipped since she felt a small pain in her leg, luckily another pair arms caught her. 

"careful, your leg is still healing" the male voice was gentle and pidge felt warm where his arms was wrapped around her.

"why help me" Pidge asked as he stood her up and let go. 

"shouldn't you be thanking me instead of asking questions" he sighed and crossed his arms.

"I might thank you if you answer my question .. I am your enemy so why help me" Pidge asked crossing her arms.

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