Hacker and Proud. Chapter 8.

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"let me go you fucking asshole" Pidge yells could be heard all over the ship making Keith galra side come out as he was using all his strength to not attack Lotor and run to her. He knew the guards was bring Pidge to the same room he was in but he wanted to run to her and protect her. She Hated the thoughts that pop in his head when he wondered what punishments they forced on her. 

"you dickless jackass, let me go and let me kick you ass" Pidge yelled as they dragged her into the room. Well they held her in the air by her arms but she was still kicking and yelling at them.  The voltron rebels was forced to stand in the other side of the room with their lions and watching in silence. Keith eyes sadden as he looked at her bruises , cut and bloody body but couldn't help but smirk when he saw the injuries she gave to the guards. 

"didn't i ask you to punish her not for her to punish you" Lotor asked not pleased.

"yes sir but she a fighter and strong for her size .. the only way we got her from fighting back was by kicking her lion" The guard said embarrassed that Pidge beat the two guards sent to punish her. 

"just wait until my legs reach the ground, I'm gonna murder your ass for hurting my girl .. i show no mercy" Pidge hissed and glared at both guards making them shake a little.

"clam down my child, i am fine" Green said with worry as she limped over. 

"oh your so dead" Pidge growled at the guards before glaring at Lotor who took a step back.

"what did they do to you my love" red said with fear as he ran over to the green lion. 

"my love" Pidge and keith asked shocked.

"well we having been dating over a thousands of years, we been cuddle together every night .. she would be my love" red chuckled. 

"wow" Keith said amazed how he did not notice. 

"go girl" Pidge smirked and green bow her head a little. 

"you can placed her down and leave us alone, she wont do anything stupid why her friend and pets are here" Lotor smiled and the guards looked to each other with worry.

"yes sir" the guards yelled before placing pidge down quickly and walking out the room a lot faster then they should. 

"I'm still kicking you ass later" Pidge yelled and heard their footsteps quicken. 

"now my little one, your going to hack into my father ship and do as i tell you" Lotor grinned as he took a couple steps towards her making keith quickly stand protectively in front of her. 

"i dont need to do shit  for Mr daddy issues" Pidge smirked and placed a hand on keith arm to let him know she ok. 

"i do not have daddy issues" Lotor yelled with anger and keith rolled his eyes.

"you sure" Pidge asked.

"yes I'm sure, i just want to be the one to kill him does not mean i have daddy issues" Lotor yelled.

"sure, whatever you say" Keith sighed and rolled his eyes. 

"well at least my mother didnt throw me away" Lotor hissed away.

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