Part 15 - Iris

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Part 15 - Too Sarcastic For Your Own Good

"He's just got gorgeous brown hair and dashing blue eyes," Sophie gushes, and I can practically see her deep blue irises turn to bright pink hearts. "And his face is so sweet! He's tall and he's got broad shoulders, and look at his muscles... Have you seen his cheek bones? And his lips are so hot!"

"If I have to hear this for another excruciating second I'm hanging up on you," I groan over the phone.

"I'm stalking his Facebook. Did you know his eyes have a little bit of grey in them? Those little lines? He had a picture where someone pointed it out in the comments and even asked if they were photo-shopped. But they're not! It's hard to look at someone with his fascinating eyes and not notice how blue they are, save for the little bit of grey."

"Yeah, but—"

"Don't argue! You're just jealous because your boyfriend's eyes are uglier."

"Logan? That's fair. But he's my ex."

"No silly, I'm talking about Pierce! He has brown eyes. I mean, they're really not ugly, brown eyes are gorgeous, but his aren't as vibrant as—"

"They're hazel," I interrupt, "and they're much prettier. They're light brown on the inside but as it nears the edge of his irises they're a deep forest green. And it mixes so beautifully, it's so smooth. The brown looks amber in the sun, and the green just accents the center and it gives his eyes a lot more contrast and color. Are we not going to even discuss how deep they are? And those 'lines' are the muscles that control the size of your pupil. On the outside they're a darker green and on the inside they're like this glowing honey... And then to finish it off, there's a black ring surrounding his irises. But what was that, about Julian's eyes being pretty again?"

"Chill out; I was joking, Iris. And you didn't even deny you were dating Pierce! Anyway, I'm going to Amelia's party and I'm just reminding you that you're coming with me. If you can ask Pierce if Julian is coming, that would be fantastic."

"You're exhausting."

When I hear knocking on the front door, I quickly go to answer it. After opening the door I see Pierce, standing with a big smile on his face and a packet in his hands.

"Is that the test?" I ask him, my eyes wide. It also explained why he wasn't at his house right after school, since he was retaking it. "How did it go?"

"I only missed a few questions, mainly because of sloppy notation," he informs me. "But I answered the extra bonus questions and that gave me more than what I missed, meaning I got the highest score on this test than I have on... any other test in my life. 104 percent."

I raised both eyebrows, my expression matching his. "That's awesome, you did so well! A little studying can go a long way, Pierce. What's your grade now?"

"A 72. But hey, passing is passing."

"That's really good. I'm glad you practically breezed through that test, math is hard. Do you want to study some more today or do you think you should take a break?"

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