Part 25 - Iris

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Part 25 - Underwater

Pierce had told me everything about Logan when he came back, and we had cake and I told him we'd talk more on Monday.

Today I felt like someone hit my head with a brick when I woke up and I still haven't gotten out of bed yet. The dog has been patiently waiting at the bottom of my bed and I feel really terrible for Jax, and that's my only motivation to get up. Since today is Saturday, I can take him on a walk to the park and I'll hopefully feel better once I can stand.

I toss the covers off my feet, gripping the edges of my bed as I pull myself up and lay my feet on the cold floor. I gather my breath and try to ignore the purple stars dotting the corners of my vision. After standing up, I let out a deep breath and lean against the wall to keep going forward. It doesn't work though, and I collapse onto the wood beneath me. Not only do the stars take over what I can see, but the feeling of heavy tacks weigh on me and I feel like ants are crawling over my tongue and down through my esophagus.

There's only one clear thought that crosses my mind — Something bad is going to happen.

When everything comes back into focus and I start becoming numb to the feeling, I force myself to stand up again and call for Jax. "How about w-we go to the p-park, huh bud?"

His ears perk up at the word "park" and he jumps off of my bed. After struggling through to get his leash, I leave the house.

Although it had been a long walk to get there, I decide to check my grades. Once they load I see that I have two B's and gasp. I've never even had one before. How did my grades get so much worse in a single week?

The worst part is that I don't actually care. I'm more surprised but I don't really feel like I'm missing out on anything. I feel just as productive and... I don't know, I guess other things matter more. Even though it's at least taken me all of high school to come to that conclusion, I feel like it's better to learn it now than never.

Something bad is going to happen.

I start to get a little dizzy after looking at my phone for too long while trying to walk my dog and eventually Jax starts bolting towards the creek, dragging me on my stomach head-first towards it. I yell for him to stop but he doesn't listen, and the next thing I know I'm pulled into the cold onto the sharp stones and I feel so heavy I can't move.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" a lady with a smooth voice answers, as if she's happy.

"Mom is on the floor, she got shot!" I cry, wiping my eyes with a sniffle. "Dad won't wake up and... And a robber is here! With a mask and red eyes."

"Alright sweety, take a deep breath for me okay? People are on their way. How old are you? Can you give me your address?"

After giving her the address I don't bother telling her my age. Everything's black and I'm scared someone is going to try to get me or the cops won't really come.

"Can you tell me more about the man?"

"He was tall," I try to remember. "And he had a gun. And he shot Mom!"

My dad comes running out suddenly, his eyes widening at my last statement as he shoves me out of his way to run outside. I start to cry more, and suddenly I can't hear anything around me. I just stand there and I cry. It's like I'm underwater, because that's how much clarity the woman's statement has. I want to stop the tears from falling but I can't.


I can feel myself coughing under the water, but my eyelids are so heavy I can't open them. I keep trying to force myself up but more air is expelled from my lungs to the point where I start to panic because I can't see anything. I can feel that I might've hit my head but the feeling is so distant that I can't tell. I can hear my ears ringing and my own muffled screams fight to be heard. I just feel so heavy, and even in air I can handle this more than now.

It's not like I can't swim, and that's the frustrating thing. I know how to swim but I feel like someone is chaining me down to the rocks. By the time I can see the sunlight shining on the dirty water thrashing over me I still can't move, but then my vision starts to be clouded by black spots before developing another curtain over my eyes.

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