Part 20 - Pierce

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Part 20 - Hypertrophic Scars

"I don't know what to do man." Julian sighs, rubbing his chin for a minute and pulling both sides of his jacket over his shirt. "I've been thinking about her lately. A lot."

"What lovebirds," I tease. "Do you even remember the party?"

"Bits and pieces. I remember thinking - no, I won't say exactly what I thought. Some naughty things. But she's not as shallow as she looks, that's the truth."

"You're absolutely lovesick," I scoff in disbelief. "You've never been like that with a girl before. Does she know how you feel or no?"

"Course not. And I'm not lovesick, you d*mn fool. How 'bout you and Goody Two-Shoes, eh? Being her savior Friday night?"

"I wasn't her savior, do*chebag. She would've been able to handle herself if she wasn't so drunk. Logan's just a lot of trouble. And she has a name, Julian."

The bell rings, the school's way of letting us know that school is starting. Julian and I contribute to the swarm of people heading inside of the building.

When I'm sitting in Calculus, this time beside Iris, I notice her doodling in the margins and not really listening to what Mrs. Landers is saying. I decide to write a note like the little kid that I am, folding up a piece of paper after writing my note in it.

Pay attention, Princess

Not too much, but it's just for fun. I pass it on her desk, and her brown eyes move from her paper to mine. Her hand stops as she drops the pencil on the desk, taking my paper and unfolding it. She reads it, then jokingly narrows her eyes at me as I laugh. She scribbles something on it, then folds it back up and passes it back to me.

You're one to talk, passing notes and all. Are you only passing notes or are you passing the class as well? Just wondering

I shake my head in fake disappointment.

Believe it or not, I'm passing. Every single class, for that matter

A few moments later my phone vibrates and I pull it out to check it. It's notifying me that Ruby sent me a message. I unlock my phone and open the conversation.

i dont want to go back to class

Why, what happened?

i dont like that kid and i dont like his friends

i just dont want to go back

Where are you at then

im in the bathroom in a stall

Ruby, remember what I said

Don't get in trouble again, go back to class

I promise it'll be fine, okay?

how do you know

Because I just know it, and you believe me right?

You might not want to go back to class but it's better to do that and not get suspended

Mom said you were put on watch

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