where it started

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It was about to be 9 am amanda was sleeping soundly when the sound of her phone woke her up half asleep she rolled over and grabbed her phone from the night stand.


Olivia: Amanda its Olivia listen I know I told you you could come in a little later today since you did overtime last night but we got a new case about a 5 year old girl possibly being abused by her parents could you be able to meet carisi at the girls school and talk to her?

Amanda:(still half asleep) yea no problem lieutenant I'll be right over.

Olivia:thanks Amanda

After hanging up Amanda was falling back asleep but she managed to snap out of it and get out of bed she quickly put on some Jeans and a shirt she put her hair up in a messy bun and washed her face and brushed her teeth after she grabbed her purse and keys and rushed out.

*At the school*

Carisi:hey Rollins how did you sleep?

Amanda:good just wish I had a couple more hours but hey duty calls so what's the case again I was almost sleeping when liv called and explained.

Carisi:5 year old girl possibly being abused by her drug addicted parents signs of bruising is noticeable on her arms and legs.

Amanda:(Already annoyed) son of a bitch shes just a baby and shes being abused by the people who are supposed to be protecting her from harm(she says a little aggravated)

Carisi and Amanda walk in to the office and see this fragile little girl in a pink stained shirt ripped jeans and some saddles. Tears of fear and confusion running down her cheeks Amanda's anger quickly became concern. She walked towards her and knelt down to her level.

Amanda:Hi sweet girl my name is Amanda what's your name?(she said grabbing the little girls cold hands)

She didn't say anything she just turned around and started shedding more tears.

Amanda: I know this must be scary for you and you might be confused but I'm a police officer(showing her her badge) I just want to help you that way you won't get hurt anymore.

The little girl turned and looked at Amanda and told her in the most quiet and soft voice her names was emmie.

Amanda:Emmie?(she nodded at amanda)good job sweet pea. Now can you told me who hurts you?

Emmie:(looking more sacred)I can't tell you because I will get hit harder if i tell (she said almost whispering and breathing faster)

Amanda:baby girl if you tell me I could protect you from the person that's hurting you.they won't hurt you again.

Emmie:promise? (She made Amanda pinky promise) it... its my... daddy (she said crying and shaking)

Amanda:good job honey that's all we need to know that way he won't hurt you any more....

After a while they took emmie to the precinct where Olivia was waiting for them.

Olivia:Hi lovey I'm Olivia (she said stroking her hair)

Emmie was holding on tight to Amanda not letting her go.

Amanda:shes my boss (she said smiling) want to come sit with me on my desk?

Emmie nodded (looking at liv and holding on to Amanda's hand)

They both walked over to Amanda's desk where they sat for a bit just talking

Amanda:have you had breakfast sweetie?

Emmie:no I eat at school(she said whispering in a very quiet voice)

Amanda:how about we order some food huh?

Emmie smiled and nodded.

Amanda got up to go get a menu of food places but as soon as she got up emmie grabbed her hand tightly as in saying don't leave me.

Amanda:I'm just going to go get a menu sweet pea I'll be just right there (she said pointing across the room but emmie shook her head and didn't let go)you want to come (she said picking her up in her arms)

After a while they finished eating and emmie was coloring while Amanda did her paperwork all of a sudden emmie jumped out of her seat and into Amanda's arms she started to panick and cry softly.

Amanda:baby what's wrong (not understanding,emmie pointed her finger and hugged Amanda)is that your dad honey?

Emmie shook her head and cried Amanda was about to take her away when....

Carl:emmie baby come her please come with daddy.

Amanda:sir please back away now you are going to get interrogated plus you are clearly drunk(she said calmly)

Carl:shes my kid...I'm not drunk just have a tooth ache(he said stuttering before he could say any more fin came and grabbed him)

Fin:ok mr. clean and sober let's go this way.

Amanda: (was holding emmie in her arms who was frightened and crying)its ok girly I told you he wouldn't hurt you.

Ok guys this is my first ever story comment if you want me to continue this.

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