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After Amanda calmed emmie down and settled her down Olivia came over to them.

Olivia:hey Amanda could you please go help out carisi with the interrogation?I'll stay with her.

Amanda: sure no problem(she turned and looked at emmie who was coloring again)hey sweet girl I'm going to be right back ok I have to go talk to your daddy but my boss Olivia is going to stay here with you for a bit ok?(she said holding her hands)

Emmie started to shake her head and started breathing heavily as she hugged on to Amanda's arm she was about to cry

Olivia: hey it's ok lovey Amanda will be right back I promise she just has to go ask your dad some questions ok?me and you could go play with the doll house I have and some dolls.(she said trying to take her from Amanda's arms)

Amanda:I'll be right back love I promise ok?(she said rubbing her back while emmie layed on her shoulder crying)

Emmie slowly started going into Olivia's arms and as soon as Amanda walked away she was watching her not taking her eyes off her.

In the interrogation room crisis was already asking him questions

Carisi: So Carl can you tell me how emmie got all those bruises?

Carl:how should I know shes a kid she falls daily.

Carisi: see Carl those bruises aren't consistent with a fall they look more like someone grabbed her pretty hard by her arms or maybe someone kicked her but you are her father and should at least know what happend.

Carl:well maybe if that kid would behave and listen I wouldn't have to use drastic measures to discipline her(he said with a smirk on his face)

Amanda was getting more irritated with the guy by the second

Carisi:so you are saying that you do abuse her right?

Carl:I never said abuse I said discipline and yes I do spank her here and there but I dont beat her.

At this point amanda has had enough and couldn't keep quiet

Amanda:that's still abuse you son of a bitch!how are you going to hurt a sweet innocent child who's done nothing wrong?shes your child and you are supposed to be the one who protects her from any harm and yet you are her abuser!! (She said with her voice cracking)

Carl:shes my Child and I could discipline her the way I want!you cant tell me how to discipline my child when she can't even go to the God damn fridge and get me a cold beer!(he said standing up angry)

Amanda got up and before she could do anything to that guy carisi held her back. She walked out of the room furious with tears in her eyes.she quickly wiped them when she saw emmie running towards her she picked her up.

Amanda:hey sweets!told you I'll be back!how about me and you go lie down for a bit huh?you look exhausted babe!

Amanda took emmie to the cribs where she layed down by her until she fell asleep.when emmie was sleeping amanda was thinking on how to help this poor girl she didn't want her to be in a foster home but she also knew she couldn't have her go back home.while she thought of a solution that would help emmie Olivia walked in.

Olivia:hey I see shes out huh?

Amanda:(looked at her and wiped some tears before she saw them)uh yeah she was exhausted took her less then 5 minutes to fall asleep.

Olivia:look amanda I know cases like these are very hard and emotional trust me I know but we cant get to overly attached to the case.... emmie is already attached to you so much that as soon as she sees you get up she panics! What's going to happen when we take her back home today?

Amanda:what do you mean take her back home?you can't be serious! That son of a bitch that calls himself a dad beats her on a daily and you are letting her go back?(she said slowly getting up making sure emmie was still sleeping)

Olivia:Amanda she accused her father of abusing her and hes being held here hes not getting out but she said nothing about her mother.look as much as I would want to not take her back there is nothing I can do.

Amanda:liv! Her mom is an alcoholic she cant stay there she runs danger!(she said pacing back and forth)

Olivia:I had fin go check out the mother and he said she was sober no sigh that she was intoxicated.

Amanda didn't say anything she asked when were they taking her back and if she would be able to go

Olivia: we will take her back a soon as she wakes up and if you could promise me that you will be ok and not overly attached then yes.

Amanda:ok I promise

After about 30 min emmie woke up looking for Amanda but she didn't see her since Amanda had gone to the bathroom for a minute  when Amanda came back she saw carisi holding emmie in his arms while she cried asking for amanda.

Carisi:its ok kid she will be here in a minute she is using the ladies room.(he said patting her back)

Emmie:I want manda! (She cried)

Amanda: hey love what's the matter huh?(she said picking her up)its ok I'm here!

Carisi:she really loves you manda!(he said smiling)we leave in 20 ok?

Amanda:yeah I'm just going to let her know(she said sitting down with emmie)

Carisi:got it!

As soon as carisi left amanda told emmie what was about to happen

Emmie:noo manda(she said crying and holding her)please my dad will hit me hard!

Amanda:babe no he won't ok your daddy is not gonna be there because hes in jail ok he won't be back!your going to be with your mom

Emmie:(still crying) I'm scared!don't leave me manda!

Amanda:listen hun I'm not ok I'll go check on you everyday ok?tell you what I'll give you my phone number so you can call me whenever you are scared or are in trouble ok? Or just to talk(she said putting a card in emmie pocket)

Emmie held on to Amanda super tight while Amanda got up with her  she went to her desk and got her keys

Olivia:ready lovey?(she said rubbing enemies back)

Emmie just dug her face in amands neck and cried.

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