Chapter 7 - Save You Tonight

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Harry's POV

Coice Two?! I mentally scream at her, she was going to let them kill me first. I let our an angered sigh and gave up the small fight I was putting up.

I wake up the next morning with a throbbing headache, I am on a wet dirty floor and it smells of decay. I can hear water dripping somewhere near by. I jump up and fall back to the ground again the pain in my head to much to bear. I suddenly feel dizzy and once again I slip into unconsciousness. 

(Sorry that was so short)

Ashlyn's POV

I sit in the room with him. I just smlie and nod to everything he says. I need to play this full on if I want him to by it. "AR why were you acting this way around this Harry boy?"

"You said to get as close as possible, that's what I was doing." I reply.

"Yet you told him our secret, what if that had gotten out?" He questions further.

"Yes, maybe that was a mistake. I figured if I told him something like that he would tell me what I needed to know." I sigh and relax back into the plush fabric of the couch.

"Hmmm, and what were you planning to do after he told you the secrets?" He grabs a bottle of champange from his mini-fridge.

"Tell him I was just kidding, lying is my second nature. He would of believed it too, if you and your goons hadn't shown up." I huff and cross my arms.

"AR you seem to have all the answers." He looks at me suspiciouly.

"And you seem to have all the questions." I retort. He glances me over.

"True enough." He replies nonchalantly. He exits the room and I lay back on the couch. They are keeping him on the lowest floor in the buliding on constant watch, cell number 244 or 245. The security cameras down there have only three blind spots. I know them but he won't. This will be diffucult. I sigh, I'll get him tonight when the gaurds are asleep I have some sleeping gases on me and I can get the alarm system off, I'll knock out the man in the control room and get Harry out before it's too late.

I lay in wait for hours ready to sneak him out. I act as if I am sleeping, I am just hoping they are buying it. At midnight I open my eyes and look around cautiously I stand up and slowly sneak towards the door. It opens smoothly and I sprint silently down the hall to the control room. There are sudden noises down the hall way. I freeze in place not moving a muscle, willing myself to becaome part of the wall.

Two guards pass me by, not looking at me once. Idiots I say to myself. I slip into the control room and slink up behind the man at the computers. I grab his pressure point on the neck and squeeze him until I feel his body go slack. I disable the alarm and cameras and creep out of the room slowly and cautiously.

I run as fast as possible, althjough I make no sound as I rush towards the bottom floor.

I slowly walk down the dark moist hallway, I hear soft snoring that can only be coming from Harry, how can he sleep in a place like this? I ask myself. I continue walking until I see his body curled up on the floor of cell 245. I have to choke back tears of relief and sadness. I reach through the bars and shake him awake. His greeen eyes open full sleep.

"Robin? What the hell are you doing?" He questions, now fully awake.

"Harry I'm getting you out, but you need to listen, no yelling or even talks. I'm saving you, tonight." I say sternly. He nods as I slip the key into the lock and hear the satisfying click as the door swings open.

I grab his cold clammy hand. "Harry, I'm-" I am cut off by his soft lips crashing into mine.

"Just be quiet right now." He mumbles under the kiss. "Can you do that Robin?"

"Harry, just so you know... My real name is Ashlyn."

"Hmmm, that's a wonderful name." He says quietly, "Now shalll we leave?" He asks.

"Yes we shall." I say lightly. We slowly sneak out of the building and out into the cool night air.

Harry's POV

She came back, she came back for me she saved me. I grinned like an idiot as we climbed up the stairwell. We came to an unmarked door and she pushed it open. The fresh air was a relief and I breathed deeply inhaling the crisp air.

I was still gripping her hand when she tensed. "Ashlyn what's wrong?" I ask firmly.

"We need to run, Now!" She screams. I feel her tug my arm and start sprinting towards the woods. I follow after I am running faster than I have ever. Then thelights of the field switch on, I am running for my life now.

We make it to the fence and she leads me carefully to a smalll opening we crawl through it just in time, only moments later I hear gun shots ricoceting of the fence.

"Holy shit!!" I hear her exclaim as she stumbles forward. "Keep running Harry!" She yells. I do as she says as we run away from the compound. She really did save me.

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