Chapter One - Sorry, Not Really

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Beep, beep, beeeep!!!


My alarm goes off; damn I forgot to turn it off. I groan and reach for the snooze button. I smack my hand down on it and the obnoxious beeping cuts off. I Pull my arm back and roll over. Just as I am about to fall asleep,

Beep, Beep, Beeeep!!!


“Stupid snooze button,” I complain. I grab the cord for the clock and yank it from the wall. It finally shuts up, and I roll over again closing my eyes and finally sleeping.

I wake up again to the ringing of my phone. “Mehhh!” I groan unhappily. Its eight, I reach for my phone. “What!” I ask my voice thick with sleep.

“Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!” Brandon practically screams through the phone.

“Oh hi Brandon.” I say less enthusiastically.

“Hello, aren’t you just a ray of sunshine?” I can hear his smile through the phone.

“Yes! I ammm!” I sing.

“So we are still getting coffee right? We go every Saturday.” He whines.

“Every Saturday but one day, every month we skip!” I state.

“Ohhh yeahhhh!” He exclaims.

“Why don’t you go with Cody?” I ask smiling.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you,” He sighs sadly. “We broke up.” He whispers softly.

“Ohhhh, Brandon! Now I have to go to coffee with you.” I sing through the phone.

“Haha, yay!” He shrieks happily. “Be there in ten.”

“Kayyy!” I hang up the phone and get out of bed as slowly as possible. I trudge over to my dresser, and pull out a random outfit.  Jeans and a bright green top, I grab my sunglasses and phone then head into the living room where I situate myself on the couch.

As soon as I’m comfortable, I get a text from my boss.

--AR, you have a new assignment. Meet me today at nine, by the fountain so we can talk things over.

               -J --

I groan and sit up, another one? I ask myself, I just finished up my last one a week ago. I hear a knock at my door. “It’s open Brandon!!” I yell from my place on the couch.

“Good Morning Sunshine!” He sings as he steps through the door. “Ready to go?” He questions. He looks at me with concern in his brown eyes.

“Yeah, I just got another assignment.” I groan putting emphasize on ‘another.’ Brandon looks at me sympathetically.

“Poor AR, she’s the boss’ favoriteee” He pretends to complain, and makes a pouty face.

“I will slap that pout off your face.” I say narrowing my eyes. He wipes the look off his face knowing that I might actually smack him upside the head.

“Let’s go!” He declares, changing the subject. He lifts me up off the couch easily, and sets me on the floor.

“Fine!” I whine, annoyed.

“Haha,” He pulls me out the door of my flat and down to the street into his car.

I sit down in the passenger’s side and relax into the seat, I smile over at him as he starts the engine and drives toward the coffee shop. We pull into the small lot of ‘It’s A Grind’ and climb out of the car. We head inside and I get my usual, a white mocha latte with a cinnamon twist, to go.  Brandon looks at me confused.

“Sorry kid.” I say smiling. “But I need to meet the boss. I’ll text you later!” I exclaim rushing out the door. I keep my head down and start walking towards the fountain, I am walking to fast and I bump into someone.

My coffee spills all over him. “Sorry.” I mumble, lifting my eyes up to his. I see a boy with brown curls and green eyes, he doesn’t look happy and I take a step back from him.

Harry’s POV

“What was that?” I exclaim at the girl who just bumped into me. She looked just as surprised as I felt, but once I yelled at her she looked angry.

“Well maybe you should watch where you’re going!” She yells back at me. I look at her in disbelief. She crosses her arms and walks away. She doesn’t even apologize for her outburst.

I shake my head in disbelief and pull my hoodie back over my head, luckily no one saw me. I keep walking and then see the van. I open the door and pull myself in. The boys look at me skeptically.

“What happened to you mate?” Louis asks smirking at the coffee all over me.

“Some girl ran into me and spilled her latte all over me.” I glare at Louis, willing him to shut up.

“Was she hot?” He asks raising a brow in question. I glare at him and turn away. I can’t get her blue eyes out of my head.

Ashlyn’s POV

I see my boss and walk over to him. “Ashlyn your assignment, destroy One Direction.”


Tell me what you think? I could really use some advice Thanks <3

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