Part 14

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Previously - I pushed him gently away from me as I saw there was a human figure coming towards us. The person was wearing a pointy hat and thick robes...

Harry's POV

"I think it's Professor McGonagall. Coming to rescue us at just the wrong time, really, woman!" Draco grumbled, rolling his eyes as he said that last part. I elbowed him in the ribs and glared at him. "What? I'm stating the facts," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Professor, help!" I shouted. "We're stuck in this barrier!"

The closer she got, the angrier she looked. I felt like I wanted to hide once I saw the furious look on her face, but I decided to stand next to Draco instead. Then, she was right in front of us yelling something that we couldn't hear because of the barrier. Then she traced an arc in the air with her wand. The barrier reappeared and we could see a door form and open in front of us.

Before we could explain what had happened, Professor McGonagall shot us both a glare. "I can't believe you two did this!" she snapped. "At two in the morning, no less! I was asleep, boys, did that ever occur to you both? That I might not have wanted to be dragged out of bed when Granger and Parkinson told me about you? The Forbidden Forest is strictly out of bounds. You should both know this! What on Earth possessed you to go for a walk in the thick snow in the middle of Christmas night?" She didn't give us time to answer. "And Potter - in a T-shirt? You two have got to be kidding me!"

"Sorry, Professor," I said quietly when she finished scolding us.

Professor McGonagall looked at me. "Sorry doesn't cover this, Mr Potter," she said, "I expected more from you. I want you two back inside now and in your room. Any other movement like this again and I will make sure both of you suffer in the morning."

"Yes Professor," Draco said, gathering his wool blanket and transfiguring it back to its original form. We then followed the Professor back up to the castle in silence.

The castle was extremely warm when we entered, but Professor McGonagall's expression was exceedingly cold when she once again fixed us with a glare. I glanced at Draco, who was now shuddering.

"Twenty points from each house and detention for a week after Christmas break," Professor McGonagall started. "You are only getting off so lightly because I am tired and hoping to get to bed after this. I am being lenient to you, considering you were out of bed past curfew hour. Especially to you, Mr Potter, this is unacceptable." She rubbed her temples, then looked at us confused. "Well? Aren't you going to go?"

I glanced at Draco, fidgeting uncomfortably. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Suppose so," Draco replied indifferently, then muttered, "whatever."

I bit my lip under Professor McGonagall's gaze, then took a deep breath. "Oh, screw it," I exclaimed. "We're in enough trouble as it is!" I swiftly took Draco's face in my hands and kissed him. "Tomorrow, then," I said with a grin, and winked at Draco.

Draco gaped, then smirked and nodded.

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