My Every Day Life

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[Sunny Morning]


(The door opened.I slightly woke up and looked at my door.)

You:"What mom?"

(I said it with annoyed tone.)

Mom:"WAKE UP!"

(She came over to me and hit me hard on my arm repeatedly.)

You:"Ow!Ow!Mom!Stop hitting me!"

(I tried to run away from my mom.)

Mom:"You better stay right where you are."

(She chased me around the house.Then couple minutes later,we stop running.We were both out of breath.)

You:"Mom..What do you want from me?"

Mom:"You..You..When are you going to get a job?"

You:"I will..I'm trying.."

Mom:"All you do is stay home while your dad and I are working our butt off at the restaurant."

You:"I'm trying to find a job."

Mom:"You always tell us that but you don't get the job."

You:"Mom..I'm trying."

Mom:"You should've major in business.You could've become a professional sale person or something bigger like your friends in high school.You used to be a leader in school and college..But what happen?You can't get a proper job.."



You:"It's my life not yours.."

(I rushed into my room and slam the door.)

Your Mind:"This is my life..I get to choose my job or my career..Everyday is always like this..Same thing everyday...I'm tired of it.."

(I got on the computer and went to a website.I have been going to this website called,"Xpress".I begin writing verse about my life and post them.I write them to express my feelings as my hobby and nothing else.)


I'm tired of hearing the same-o-thing

My mom been telling me the same stuff mostly every day

No matter how much she complain

I'm trying to make a change.

Sometimes I'm tired of poverty

I'm trying to be the best

Money doesn't grow on trees

Just want my mom and dad stay home and rest

I wish I can find a capable job for me

Why is it so hard to succeed


(I typed my verse called,"Untitled" and post it on the website.I got up from my seat and left.)

/Time skips/

(I went to places that were hiring people but they kept telling me that I'm not capable enough.I walked down the street while my mind is somewhere else.All of a sudden,I heard a voice behind me.)

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