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The one thing that ruined my life.

I found out about it when I was fifteen. At the time, I just thought I wasn't eating enough. I mean, my chest was half the size of everyone else's, my arms and legs were basically sticks, and you could clearly see the bottom of my ribcage. The specialist put me on a type of diet and gave me pills to take. Now, at twenty-one, I had considerably more meat on my bones.

"BECKY!" my flatmate, Jessica, yelled.

"What?" I yelled back.

"We're gonna be late, so HURRY UP!" she sounded pissed off. Although, she was pissed off the majority of the time - since she broke up with Max two weeks ago.

We were throwing a party for my sister, Tylah, who had stopped cutting, after doing so for eight months. She started when the council kicked her out of her house, and she became homeless. Jess and I had invited her to live with us, but she said she would feel awkward about living with her sister when they were in their twenties. However, we did manage to find her a flat - the one two blocks down from us.

"BECKY!" Jess' screeching interrupted my thoughts.

I hesitated for a moment before making my way down the stairs to the front door. I hadn't wanted to go to this party, but a) it was for my sister, and b) someone would have to look after Jess when she got drunk.


"Becks!" Tylah yelled at me when I went in through the doors of the club.

"Hey, sis." I replied casually.

"I'm here too, you know." Jessica interrupted.

"Jess, go find some guy to flirt with." I instructed her.

"Ooh, flirting! Imma get all them hotties, aye Becky?" she giggled.

"Yeah, whatever." I said, and turned back to Tylah.

"So..." she started.

"Show me your wrists." I said firmly, and she hesitantly handed them over. "They're healing, but they're still pretty bad."

"And you think I don't know this?" she snapped. "For fuck sake, Becks, I see them every day."

"I know, but I'm telling you anyway."

"Just piss off."

"Fine." I said, and went to look for Jess.

After looking for her for five minutes, I finally found her with a rather attractive male.

"Becky!" she slurred. "Come and j-j-join the par-tay!"

"Jess, you're drunk." I stated.

"I know, right?! And it's sooooo much fuuuuun! Especially when you're haaangin' out with thiiiis hot mess!"

"Hey, I'm Phil." he said.

"I'm Rebecca, but everyone calls me Becky." I replied. "Wait, are you AmazingPhil?"

"Yep." he replied. When I looked even more confused than I originally had, he said, "I'm Tylah's best friend."

"Philly, you're soooo silly!" Jess chimed in. "Becky's Tylah's biffle."

"No, Jess, I'm her sister." I reminded her.

"I'm her best friend." Phil said.

"Phil, um, I don't want to, uh, sound rude, but, um, I-"

"Don't understand how I'm still sober when I'm around this one?" he finished for me. I nodded. "Well, I honestly don't want to drink. It tastes bad."

Fish and Chips (a danisnotonfire fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now