Chapter 12

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As he entered the tent, John Hudson threw a flash bang on the ground before Ceaser had the chance to kill him. Being immune to most impairing attacks, he managed to kill the two guards holding him, retrieve his revolver, and run out before anyone could recover.

He hid in one of the tents. He knew that the Legion would be on his tail any minute now. Hudson searched around until he found what he was looking for: a spare Legionnaire armor set. In a matter of seconds, he changed from his tan duster and fedora to a red tunic and facemask. He stuffed his clothes in a backpack along with some food and water. He heard shouts, they were near. Hudson did the best he could, and he blended in perfectly with the crowd of Legion troops.

After a few hours longer than what John would've hoped, everyone calmed down, excepting Hudson’s 'escape.'  He left the fort the same way he entered, through the main gate. The two super mutants unsuspectingly let him pass. When he was a good distance away, Hudson  changed back into his original attire, throwing his disguise away. He pulled out a piece of bread and a bottle of purified water. He downed the bread and water with great gusto. Hudson stood up, brushed himself off, and started walking away from the Mojave.

"San Fran. must be nice this time of year." he thought to himself.

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