Chapter 10

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Jackie was woken up as the wagon came to an abrupt halt. He climbed out of the back and grabbed his assault rifle. Amata grabbed James and climbed out behind him.

"What? Why are we stopping?" Amata asked.

"We're here." Jackie said. He looked around and saw what was the outer walls of Westside, and it was not a plesant sight. All the buildings were decrepit and torn. Homeless people and thugs lined the streets as armored Militamen patroled the streets. A large sign was placed over a manhole that said The Thorn.

"What a dump." said Gob, "Do we have to stay here?"

"Afraid so, It's the only place that allows war refugees as far as I know." Jackie replied. "Maybe the inside is better than the outside." They walked forwards to a gate with two guards standing on either side. One guard pulled out a rifle and held it at ready while the other one pulled out a clipboard and pen.

"What's your buisness in Westside, traveler?" the guard asked in a monotone voice.

""We're war refugees from Washington D.C." Jackie said.

"Go ahead in, Mean Son-of-a-bitch will lead you to Mr. Bannano." The clipboard weilding guard said.

The rifle weilding guard whispered to the group. "Watch yourself, Mean Son-of-a-bitch is a mutie. Give him trouble and your gonna get it."

Jackie ignored the guard's snyde remark and opened the gate, letting everyone pass through behind him. He closed the gate and muscled his way to the front of the crowd to see a diffrent Super Mutant than the one's he met, and killed, in the D.C ruins. This one had green skin and was not as feral. It wore a stretched out aviatior cap on its head and had metal plating on it's chest. A pair of ripped pants and boots were the only clothing on his bottom section.

"You must be Mean Son-of-a-bitch?" Jackie said.

Mean Son-of-a-bitch nodded. "Meh Mahsohfabish. Meh ak oo o Miher Bananeo."

"What's your problem, cat got your tounge?" Butch asked.

Mean Son-of-a-bitch turned around and opened his mouth and pointed at the stub where his tounge was removed. "Meh habe mo pug"

"Sorry about the tounge." Jackie said in a irritated voice. "Now will you please take us to Mr. Bannano?"

Mean Son-of-a-bitch nodded and lumbered off, the Megaton group following him. They walked through ruined streets until they reached a large tent with two suited guards standing at the entrance. Sitting at a desk in the center of the tent was a man in a black suit and trench coat and with swave features. He had a fedora hat resting on his head and he read papers on the desk.

He looked up and stared at Jackie and the group like they were aliens. "Who are you guys? You new to town?"

Amata nodded. "We came from the D.C. ruins."

The man laughed. "Seems like everyone's coming from anywhere these days. I'm Joe Bannano from New Carson City, and leader of the Cecilian Mafia. Also President Rameriz gave me the privlage to take control of Westside. Who might you be?"

"Jackie Escado and my wife Amata. This is what's left of Megaton." Jackie replied.

"You their leader?" Bannano asked.

"Acting Mayor and Sheriff." Moriarty said. "Our original one, Lucas Simms, was offed by muties back at t'a Tesla's-Garden place."

Jackie gave Moriarty a venomous look and then looked back at Joe Bannano. " All we are looking for is a place to stay. Could you at least offer us that?"

Bannano thought to himself for a few seconds, then he looked up at Jackie. "Yeah, yeah this could work out for us. You ever heard of the 'You scratch my back, I scratch you're's' theroy?"

Jackie nodded. "Sadly I've done that on many occasions, cost me plentey, but it got us and myself here safley."

"Well, you saw the outside of the city, right? Well we need to expand our wall around so it can also encase about a good couple block's of streets." Bannano said. "Well the problem about that is that those fucking Fiends are more of a problem than what they are worth. If It wasn't for us and Mean Son-of-a-bitch out there, Westside would be destroyed."

"So you want me to build you a wall?" Jackie asked, confused.

Bannano laughed again. "No, no thats not what I wanted you to do. It's simple. You kill the Fiends in a two block radius, then we'll set up a wall. After that I'll make sure you and your 'town' can have first pick on any of the buildings. We have a deal?"

Jackie looked back at everyone in the group, then to Bannano. “It’s a deal.”

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